Morning Joe Talk Show Host Claims Free Speech ‘Out Of Date’

Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough, whose contribution to the MSNBC show mainly involves talking, is now claiming that free speech is “out of date.”
According to a report from Newsbusters, he said that the problem is that non-journalists are using “free speech” to push “hate speech.”
That, he concluded, makes it “out of date.”
Scarborough said, “The idea that this is 1996 and we’re talking about You’ve Got Mail or CompuServe is completely asinine.”
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The comments from Scarborough, who was joined by New York Times editorial board member Maray Gay, come as the U.S. Supreme Court reviews whether megacorporations like Google “can be held liable for content posted on their sites.”
“Isn’t it time for Congress to start holding Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk and other owners of these, these corporations, just to the same standard that everybody else is held to? Why do we carve things out for – and I would’ve said Jack Dorsey before and I did say that a couple years ago? This is – it’s just insanity that we’re allowing these billion dollar corporations to have an exemption that nobody else has,” he said.
Gay said it’s unfortunate that people who are not journalists believe the First Amendment is theirs, too.
“The problem here is that the world has changed, and so to your point, Joe, now you have companies that are actually not journalistic organizations that disseminating information, some of it factual, some of it dangerous, some of it hate speech, and they are, they essentially have no responsibility for the consequences of that,” she said.
She avoided the questions about who is a journalist, and what is hate speech, saying, “For the Americans sitting at home, the question is well, what responsibility should YouTube or Google or Facebook have if they’re promoting hate speech on their platforms?”
Gay noted that the First Amendment is, in fact, “very broad.”
“And of course, as a journalist, that’s a wonderful thing,” he said.
But she said corporations that disseminate “dangerous” or “hate” speech have no consequences.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Long the world’s most Christian nation, America today is being taken over by a new “official” national religion, one being imposed on the entire populace by every major societal institution, from government, media and big tech, to academia, entertainment and business.
This new state religion is Wokeism. “Going woke” conjures up visions of someone claiming to be acutely sensitive (“awake”) to “systemic social and political injustice.” And not just alleged bigotry against blacks, but toward every other “minority” as well, from LGBT folk – especially everything transgender and “nonbinary” – to “undocumented immigrants.” All of them, being VICTIMS, intrinsically more virtuous than the shameful oppressor class: primarily heterosexual white males.
This new “woke” consciousness has turned America upside-down – from the nationwide Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, to tearing down of historic monuments, to demanding multi-million-dollar reparation payments for blacks, to appointing transgenders as top government officials, to rampant reverse discrimination in every area of life, to the U.S. military imposing mandatory “diversity training” and transgender pronoun use on all personnel, causing recruitment to disastrously plummet.
Yet there is hope. Being “saved” – which in Wokeism is called being “woke” – is largely a matter of worshipping victimhood by becoming an “ally” and “defender” of all the many victim classes, and a determined enemy of the straight white male oppressor class. Thus, “joining the righteous” as an ally – even if one is cursed to be a straight white male – opens the door mercifully for salvation, even to the most wretched.
That is the power of the religion of Wokeism. And it’s explored as never before in the February 2023 issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine. If you’ve ever wondered, for example, exactly how the most radical elements in American society are successfully pressuring the biggest corporations into adopting the most outrageous and immoral policies imaginable, even when doing so permanently damages and devalues the company, the stunning answers are in this issue of Whistleblower, titled “WOKEISM: AMERICA’S OFFICIAL STATE RELIGION.”
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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.
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