More than 50 days in office and no pressers; What is Biden Hidin’?
Joe Biden has been in office more than 50 days, and he has yet to hold a single press conference, something none of his predecessors did, and now even the Washington Post is criticizing the lifelong politician for not facing the press.
“Avoiding news conferences must not become a regular habit for Mr. Biden,” the Post editorial page said. “He is the president, and Americans have every right to expect that he will regularly submit himself to substantial questioning.”
Ask anyone in journalism and they will tell you, “the public has a right to know.”
Fox News reported it has been more than seven weeks that Biden has been in office without meeting with reporters as a group. He’s done individual interviews, but nothing in an open room with a score or more members of the press tossing questions. If this had been Donald Trump, the press would be boiling tar and ripping open down-filled pillows.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Underscoring the difference in the media’s approach to the Oval Office, the WaPo felt compelled to observe, “Mr. Biden has shown galaxies more respect for the free press and the people’s right to know than his predecessor did. He reinstated daily news briefings, which are led by Ms. Psaki and often feature Cabinet members and other senior administration officials. Those briefings are informative, not forums for White House lackeys to attack journalists.”
On the other hand, Trump’s administration was greeted by a press hostile to the then-new president in early 2017 and to deny that would be considered the mother of all canards. When Trump defeated presumed heir to the Obama throne Hillary Rodham Clinton, one could observe alligator tears in the network newsrooms, and at least stunned surprise even at Fox.
“Mr. Biden has also given several TV and print interviews since his swearing in,” the editorial added. “He does not lie constantly and brazenly, and he does not tweet incendiary nonsense to distract from his failings. Last month, a senior Biden press aide had to resign for berating a journalist, the sort of behavior that Mr. Trump would have rewarded. All in all, Mr. Biden is proving to be a far more presidential president.”
It is the impression among at least 74 million voters that a president is supposed to strengthen the military, secure the borders, defend the constitution—Trump is the only president in recent memory to habitually allude to protecting the Second Amendment during his rallies and speeches—and provide leadership during times of crisis.
Speaking of which, there appears to be a crisis along the southern border. Trump’s border wall project has been shut down and a new survey from Rasmussen released Monday shows “A majority of voters are concerned about the current surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, and oppose plans reportedly being considered by Congress this week to offer amnesty to undocumented immigrants.”
Noting that “Border crossings have surged since President Joe Biden was elected, and officials in Texas last week expressed alarm at the number of migrants who test positive for the coronavirus and are being released into the United States,” Rasmussen revealed “73 percent of Likely U.S. Voters are concerned about the government’s ability to handle the growing number of migrants at the border while meeting COVID-19 protocols. That includes 48% who say they are Very Concerned.”
According to Rasmussen, “Fifty-one percent (51%) of Likely Voters oppose…an amnesty plan, including 35% who Strongly Oppose amnesty. Forty-five percent (45%) say they support amnesty for undocumented immigrants, including 22% who Strongly Support it.”
If Biden would hold a press conference, he might be asked about this. There is growing skepticism about Biden’s ability to answer questions during a live presser. According to the WaPo editorial, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden will hold a news conference “before the end of the month.”
Without having to “circle back” on that, presumably she was talking about the current month.
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