
MMA beat down: When showboating goes very, very wrong

MMA beat down. (Youtube)
MMA beat down. (Youtube)

While France’s amateur fighter Johan Segas goes by the MMA nickname of “The Silencer,” his most recent opponent might want to adopt as his nom de combat, Joe “Trouble With Focusing” Harding.

As it turns out, Segas and Harding met at the British Challenge MMA 18 held in Colchester, England, which resulted in the unintended consequence of proving that extra jiggy dance moves are best left on the dance floor.

And speaking of the floor, that’s exactly where Harding ended up.

As reported Brandon Wise of CBS Sports;

WATCH: MMA fighter showboats during fight, promptly knocked out by head kick

Only so many fighters are good enough to dance during fights and Joe Harding is not one of them

MMA is getting more mainstream and with that comes a bit of flash and extra curriculars. Some guys are starting to showoff during the fights while punches are still being thrown.

Well, Joe Harding learned the hard way that just because your dancing doesn’t mean your opponent isn’t still trying to knock your head off.

Harding really thought things were going his way too, right up until Segas’ foot met his face. Maybe that will be a lesson to young fighters. You better be sure that you are either faster than your opponent or absolutely better because if not, you’re going to be staring up at the lights with the ref standing over you.

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