
Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago – 49 Shootings, 10 Fatalities, and a Mayor Focused On Churches

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is mad at new Police Superintendent David Brown for a Memorial Day Weekend in which 49 people were shot, 10 fatally (Fox). The count was the worst Memorial Day weekend since 2015. Yet, she assigned police to bang on church doors, film the attendees, and park a show of force outside the churches. And she’s mad at Brown for not stopping the violence.

memorial day weekend
Screenshot via FOX News Video

“Whatever the strategy was, it didn’t work.” Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Authorities said that the shootings were primarily between rival gangs and drug deals gone bad. Duh. Chicago’s gun violence problem is not deterred by a virus of any kind. Why do criminals care about catching it? They do not.

“They (gangs) are not particularly deterred by the risks of being out there. Of all the things they are likely to be worried about COVID is way down the list.” Wesley Skogan, Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University

Superintendent Brown stated there were fewer officers on the street this year and Lightfoot contradicted him. But statistics show that at least 424 members of the Chicago PD tested positive for COVID-19 and 223 have recovered. Three have died. Patch.com reported that it led to the requirement to wear masks and department issued gloves. Another article last year stated that Chicago was seriously down in the number of officers. It is likely there were fewer officers on the street, in spite of the Mayor’s line of reasoning. And her reasoning is most assuredly messed up.

Meanwhile, the Daily Wire reported,

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“Pastor Courtney Lewis of Cornerstone Baptist Church told Todd Starnes on his eponymous radio show that he was in the middle of church services when someone began to bang loudly on the front doors. Outside, he said, were three police cars, two unmarked cars, and a representative from Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s office. Lewis told Starnes it was “like the Soviet-style KGB.”

“The only thing she hasn’t done yet is beat the doors down and arrest our members,” Lewis added.

The pastor went on to say that church members were told it was protocol not to open the doors and that police were denied entry. “Thankfully our doors were locked as a normal safety precaution we take each service to protect our members from the escalating gun violence in Chicago,” Lewis told Starnes.

An usher outside the church reportedly saw the mayor’s representative try to force their way into the building. They didn’t get in but began taking pictures outside. Someone in one of the unmarked cars allegedly began filming and taking pictures of attendees arriving for services.”

So to Mayor Lori Lightfoot, the gun violence is alarming, and it makes her mad at the Police Superintendent, but she’d rather ship the police off to deal with church attendees than work on the gang violence in her city.

Typical Democrat. Priorities are screwed up. The escalating gun violence in Chicago will never be solved by gun control or backwards priorities like those of Mayor Lightfoot. Memorial Day weekend in Chicago was just another exercise in futility by a confused leadership.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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