Masks for Thee, But Not for Me: Idaho Governor Brad Little Shows His Hypocrisy (Again)
Once again, Idaho’s governor Brad Little shows off his personal hypocrisy by essentially saying, “Masks for thee, but not for me.” No, he didn’t actually say it, he didn’t have to; but he did show it by example at a recent event in Stanley, Idaho which was attended by Donald Trump, Jr. back in September.
Let’s be clear on this, we really don’t care if Governor Little wears a mask or not. That is his choice but if he is going to mandate muzzling his constituents, he had damned well better follow suit and lead by example instead of not wearing one when he thinks he isn’t being watched. He needs to follow the lead of South Dakota’s exemplary governor Kristi Noem or get out of office! The walls have eyes and ears. Two witnesses were at this event and they observed this hypocrite not wearing a mask and only putting it on for a brief photo op.
I was born and raised in South Dakota, but currently reside in Idaho. Idahoans deserve better representation in the governor’s office than what we have now. Kristi Noem makes me proud that I’m a native of South Dakota, but I love Idaho as well.
This isn’t the first time Little has been seen in public ignoring his own mandates. There are multiple photos exposing his own hypocrisy available as proof.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Enough of your hypocrisy and your shaming of your constituents who refuse to follow your tyrannical edicts. When the government’s boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right, is of no consequence!
- Video: Chris Cuomo’s Landlord Threatens Fine For CNN Anchor For Repeatedly Refusing to Wear Face Mask
- Video: Biden Says He’d Mandate Masks On Interstate Highways
- Mask Controversy Hits Idaho. First Amendment in Jeopardy
- The Hill Tries to Mask-Shame Trump Supporters But It Doesn’t Go Very Well
- Top Swedish Epidemiologist Warns: Wearing Face Masks “Very Dangerous”
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