
Marine Corps Hopeful Walks 20 miles in the Dark to Get to Work

Walter Carr wants to join the Marine Corps after college. His 2003 Nissan croaked just one day before his first day on the job at Bellhops Moving Company. Al.com reported that this Marine Corps hopeful refused to be late on his first day, so he started walking the 20 miles to work at midnight. The work ethic he exhibited by that act paid off with a new car.

Screenshot via Bellhops Moving Co.

He walked from Homewood to Pelham, coming into Pelham at about 4 a.m.. That’s about 20 miles. He said he wore his Nike joggers because he knew he’d have to go through some tall grass on his trek.

When he arrived in Pelham, a police officer spotted him walking along the side of the road and asked him if he was ok. When he told them he was walking to work, three officers took him to breakfast, got him a sack lunch, then dropped him off at a local church as the safest place until it was time to go to work.

Screenshot via Al.com

Later, an officer just coming on shift heard what happened the night before and went in search of Carr. He had already left the church to walk to his first assignment. The officer picked him up and drove Walter to his first stop, the Lameys in Chelsea. The officer knocked on their door and explained the situation. Mrs. Lamey offered to let Walter have a nap until his work crew arrived, but he declined. He jumped right in to working with the family to help them get ready to move. Then she posted on Facebook what happened.

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The kindness wasn’t over. When Bellhops Moving Company found out what he did, the CEO of the company, Luke Marklin, drove all the way from Tennessee pretending to want to meet Walter “for coffee.” When he arrived, he handed Carr the keys to his 2014 Ford Escape.

Jenny Lamey was so impressed with him, she started a GoFundMe account for him and his family to help them out. She hugged him and told him he had changed all their lives. Walter was “humble” and thankful for the kindnesses.

“This was the first job in a long time to give me an opportunity to get hired. I wanted to show them I got the dedication. I said I’m going to get to this job one way or another…I want people to know this – no matter what the challenge is, you can break through the challenge. Nothing is impossible unless you make it impossible. You can do anything you set your mind to. I’ve got God by my side. I’m really emotional right now trying to hold back the tears.” Walter Carr

Walter and his family moved to Alabama after losing their home in Hurricane Katrina. He is studying at Lawson State College for a degree in health sciences. From there he wants to join the Marines and then come back to Birmingham and get his Bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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