
Majority of Europeans Want Halt to Muslim Immigration

Majority of Europeans Want Halt to Muslim Immigration
Islam in Europe (Spain,Belgium and Violence by Muslims in UK,France) and Australia

Amid continued protests over President Trump’s executive order aiming to block federal funding to so-called sanctuary cities and Republican legislators across the country are moving to deny their own funding cities that refuse to comply with federal immigration authorities, citizens in Europe want a complete halt to the Muslim migration.

A recent survey poll conducted with by leading international think tank Chatham House, polled over 10,000 respondents and found that the majority

The Clarion Project reported:

The strength of agreement varied by country, with 71% in Poland, 65% in Austria, 53% in Germany and 51% in Italy to 47% in the United Kingdom and 41% in Spain.

An average of 25% said they neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement. In no country did the proportion of people who disagreed with halting immigration from mainly Muslim countries exceed 32%.

The results are stark. They indicate a Europe which is fed up with the problems associated with Islamist abuses: terrorism, rape, inter-communal violence and a population which is willing to countenance measures which previously would have been regarded as extreme to halt it.

High profile terrorist attacks have rocked Europe over the past two years.  Attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan theatre, the Bastille Day parade in Nice and a Christmas market in Berlin are among a string of atrocities which have made people angry.

At a vigil following the Nice attack, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls was booed by the crowd who shouted, “You are the terrorist!” at him. An IFOP poll conducted for Le Figaro indicated that 67% of French citizens did not trust the government to deal with terrorism.

Majority of Europeans Want Halt to Muslim Immigration

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This is despite the widespread of troops.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s warm welcome of refugees and migrants from all over the world has soured with her constituents. Events like the mass sexual assault attacks on New Year’s Eve the past two years, for example, have raised public ire. Opposition to Merkel’s open door refugee policy was instrumental in pushing the populist Alternative fur Deutschland party to victory in elections in Merkel’s home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Opposition to immigration was already high in Europe before the current wave of mass immigration due to issues not purely related to Islamism, but over concerns relating to the economy, the amount of available housing and over what it means to have a national identity in an increasingly diverse country.

Case in point where recently, a Swedish woman was brutally raped in Malmö, Sweden, this week, and her account of the incident suggests the attack is the latest in an escalating number of sex crimes inflicted by Muslim migrants in the country, Lifezette reported.

The woman, a mother in her 40s, had pulled into the parking lot to refill her car’s wiper fluid. Moments after exiting her vehicle, “I felt that someone pulled my jacket. It was a man with a black hat, black jacket and jeans,” the woman told local news.

“I screamed for help but when I did he put a hand over my mouth. He brandished a large knife, the blade was probably 30 centimeters long, and I could only think about my children.” The woman said her attacker spoke a foreign language she did not recognize.

Lifezette stated that Malmö is one of Sweden’s most notorious “no-go zones,” a crime-ridden Muslim migrant ghetto so dangerous even police officers fear to venture into it.

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Fmr. Sgt, USAF Intelligence, NSA/DOD; Studied Cryptology at Community College of the Air Force

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