
Mad Dog Putin Admits Plan to Take All of Ukraine, Says Violence Will Worsen

Is this the sort of premeditated destruction that will finally see the western world engage in combat with the Russians?

With Vladimir Putin’s once-fearsome reputation fading into the history books, the Moscow madman appears to have only threats left for the world at large.

His military is weak and unprepared and failing miserably in certain aspects of this Ukrainian invasion.  It appears as though the only reason why he may still have a chance to take Ukraine is that he has enough bodies to throw at the conflict to overwhelm the much smaller nation.  (Never mind that these “bodies” are often teenaged soldiers who were tricked into invading Ukraine in the first place; “cannon fodder” as one young troop told the world).

So, backed into a diplomatic corner and failing to instill any real sense of cunning or confidence on the world’s stage, Putin has only abject, pompous threats left, including the possibility of using a nuclear weapon in the theater of war.

After a recent phone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, it became very clear that Putin will not stop until he is stopped.

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Russia’s attack on Ukraine is going ‘according to plan’ and the violence will ‘get worse’ , Vladimir Putin warned today.

The Russian President made the alarming comments to Emmanuel Macron, his French counterpart, during a phone call on Thursday afternoon.

After hanging up the phone at the end of the exchange, which lasted for an hour and a half, Mr Macron said “the worst is yet to come”.

An Elysee Palace spokesman explained: ‘President Putin expressed his very great determination to continue the offensive, the aim of which is to take control of the whole country.

“President Putin said the Russian Army operation was developing according to the plan’ and that it would ‘get worse if the Ukrainians do not accept surrender terms’.”

The sheer belligerence of these statements, and the destruction foretold by Putin, may finally compel the western world to engage in combat operations against the tyrannical Russian regime.

Cross-posted with Flag and Cross


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