Crazy Chris Matthews thinks that angry rural Americans are as mad at liberals as local terrorists are at armies. In a stint on “Morning Joe” he mentioned that it was sort of like “fighting terrorism” because rural Americans are so enraged. But he missed the point entirely. The anger he thinks he sees is about liberal’s insane policies designed to control our lives and take away our votes. Afghan residents tried to cling to the airplanes because they didn’t want to be there under the Taliban… were the terrorists angry because they got all of our equipment and now money? They were actually deliriously happy.
“Matthews highlighted the importance of anger in mobilizing voters during elections as he drew the analogy. He said rural Americans harbor a deep-seated anger toward liberal elites, and then seemed to liken it to the sentiments of terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq following the U.S. military presence there…
‘This is rural rage. They are so angry at the liberal establishment, the coastal elite, they look at people on television … ‘They don’t have to worry about us’. And the regular guy in the country goes, ‘there they are snarling and making fun of us again’ and every time we make fun of Trump, we’re making fun of them … It’s a weird thing, but in a way it’s like fighting terrorism.” (Daily Caller reporting on Chris Matthews)
He says, “armies don’t make peace,” just make people angry. Let’s see, WWII is antithetical to that narrative. French citizens greeted allied armies with open arms. The allied armies stopped the Nazis. Problems arose after the war was over and Europe was divided. Mostly in more modern times the anger comes when we leave because of government cowardice, not necessarily because we showed up in the first place. And any rage of the terrorists is tough s***. So go take a powder, Crazy Chris Matthews, you’re nuts.
The mainstream media doesn’t just “make fun of Trump.” They work overtime with the Biden administration to destroy him, his family, and his supporters. They are not above twisting everything Trump says, or everything his supporters say or do to advance an agenda that is egregious and wrong.
Chris Matthews is now and has always been a complete idiot. As a host on MSNBC, he often shared his stupidity with the audience. He was finally dumped by the network. Good riddance. Of course, leftist outlets will continue to give him a platform. Comparing rural Americans to terrorists is a step WAY out of bounds, even for a nutjob like him.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Now do you understand the importance of keeping the Electoral College? It’s the only pathway to have any vote whatsoever.
- Chris Matthews OUT at MSNBC (Video)
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