Lindsey Graham: ‘Sick’ H.R. 1 The ‘Biggest Power Grab’ in U.S. History (Video)

While appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said H.R. 1, the Democrat measure designed to usurp the Constitution and codify illegitimate elections, ensuring that Democrats win everything all the time, is “sick” and the “biggest power grab” in American history.
“What’s sick is HR 1, federalizing state elections. In our Constitution, states are supposed to run elections. H.R. 1 is the biggest power grab in the history of the country. It institutionalizes ballot harvesting. It does away with the voter ID requirement. It will take over every election in every state. It makes the Federal Election Commission a partisan commission. It will no longer be bipartisan. So that’s the power grab we’re standing up to,” he said.
“To my friends in Georgia, they had the highest turnout in the history of Georgia. We had 150 million something people vote. So every time a Republican does anything, we’re a racist. If you’re a white conservative, you’re a racist. If you’re a black Republican, you’re either a prop or Uncle Tom. They use the racism card to advance a liberal agenda and we’re tired of it. H.R. 1 is sick, not what they’re doing in Georgia,” he added.
Here’s video as posted to Twitter by Graham:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
#HR1 is the biggest power grab in the history of the country.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) March 28, 2021
Here’s the full 3-minute clip:
Naturally, people responding to his tweet wanted to know what, if anything, he would do to stop this power grab by the Democrat Party.
Yes it is. So what are you and the @SenateGOP going to do about it? @LindseyGrahamSC
— Kat (@katastik65) March 28, 2021
Ah. So Democrats are allowed to ram through HR1 to unconstitutionally federalize elections/solidify the worst practices of the 2020 election but GOP legislatures aren't allowed to pass their own laws to prevent voter fraud & to bolster election integrity.
See how this works?
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) March 25, 2021
Twitchy noted:
As Graham articulated in the interview, Democrats are employing their usual inventory of code words and phrases in an attempt to push Republicans into a political corner where no effective opposition of such an authoritarian agenda can be made.
And of course, their willing propagandists in the lying liberal media are more than happy to help undermine the Constitution and ensure fraudulent elections for all time. And yes, that includes Chris Wallace.
- Manchin Issues Warning As Biden Threatens To Kill Filibuster To Nationalize Election Law
- 20 Attorneys General Say HR 1 is Unconstitutional- Democrats Don’t Care
- Democrat Bill Usurps Constitution, Would End Legitimate Elections Forever
- H.R. 1: Democrats’ Latest Attempt to Rig Elections
- 27 Ways to Convince People You Rigged an Election
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