
Likely Space Weapon Launched by Russia

Anti-satellite weapon? Does it contain nukes?

The Pentagon reported that Russia launched a “likely space weapon” on May 16/17. Unfortunately, they launched it into the same orbit as a US government satellite. This came as the US and Russia have been taking turns voting down rival resolutions to de-weaponize space at the United Nations.  It also comes as Biden announced another draw-down of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve. These two things taken together could become a serious problem.

“Russia launched a satellite into low Earth orbit that we assess is likely a counter-space weapon presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit…We have a responsibility to be ready to protect and defend the domain, the space domain, and ensure continuous and uninterrupted support to the Joint and Combined Force.”  Air Force Major General Pat Ryder, Pentagon Spokesman (Breitbart)

Space Weapon?

Russia denies that it launched a space weapon, but this is exactly what caused the extreme concern (read that near hysterical reaction) of lawmakers back in February. The concern is that the launch could contain nuclear weapons designed to destroy satellites of any nation, including ours.

Plus…does the weapon employ nuclear armament? It’s a serious concern, one that Russia downplays and accuses the US of listening to “fake news.”

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Russia’s defence ministry said the May 17 launch had a spacecraft on board but gave no details what it was for.

“I don’t think we should respond to any fake news from Washington,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency…

COSMOS 2576, as of Tuesday, has not gone near a U.S. satellite, but space analysts observed it to be in the same orbital ring as USA 314, a bus-sized NRO satellite launched in April 2021.

Ryabkov said Russia’s space programme was developing as planned, including tasks aimed at strengthening defence capability but added that “this is also not news”.

He said the United States was wrong to have dismissed Russian proposals on strengthening the security of space activities, including a proposal on developing a treaty on preventing an arms race in space. Reuters


Is Biden deliberately releasing oil from our reserve to cause a depletion that leaves the US vulnerable to our adversaries?

If war should break out, our petroleum supply would be severely depleted, and yes, we NEED petroleum in spite of what the leftists advocate.

Biden has been trying to win votes for the last 3 years by releasing oil from the US reserves to bring down prices that he pushed up– and according to Forbes, those millions of barrels of oil have not been replaced. Now he plans to release 1 million more barrels. It could prove disastrous in the current world environment.

A space weapon, satellites, nukes…what the US and other nations do or don’t do at the UN could be lethal in the long run. Russia and China cannot be trusted to bring forward any proposal that supposedly “prevents weaponization” of space. The US is working hard to create its own space abilities to counter those of our enemies. It’s not time to panic yet…or is it?


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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