Liberal sheep threaten to boycott Home Depot after learning co-founder helped Trump in 2016
On Monday, Market Watch reported that billionaire Bernie Marcus, a co-founder of Home Depot, gave $7 million to help elect Donald Trump in 2016 and plans to support Trump’s re-election effort in 2020. This didn’t sit too well with liberal sheep who have politicized everything since the 2016 election.
According to the report, a number of outraged leftists now plan to boycott the store.
Here’s just a few of the tweets that have caused the hashtag #BoycottHomeDepot to trend:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Just ordered something from The Home Depot. Didn't need it, just needed to make sure I shopped there today! #HomeDepotBoycott
— WindyCityKeith @palehose2022?? (@Palehose2022) July 9, 2019
The Washington Examiner noted:
#HomeDepotBoycott is suddenly trending on Twitter. The world now remembers that Marcus is a Trump supporter after features in the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Washington Post revealed that the billionaire plans to give most of his money away to charity.
He signed The Giving Pledge, whose goal is to encourage wealthy philanthropists to donate at least half of their net worth. He’s donated to Autism Speaks and the Georgia Aquarium, and he emphasized to the Atlanta Journal Constitution that his philanthropic giving is much greater than his political giving.
But for 2020, Marcus is still on the Trump train. He told the AJC that while Trump “sucks” at communication, he’s succeeded with jobs and trade with China. He has pretty standard right-wing reasons for supporting the president. And let’s not forget, he’s been talking about those reasons for years.
Now, the lynch mob on social media has suddenly changed its mind about the nation’s most popular home improvement store.
All the #HomeDepotBoycott people defiantly walking into Lowe’s not even knowing Lowe’s supports Trump too #BoycottHomeDepot
— ZeroPark30 (@ZeroPark30) July 9, 2019
Love the internet. Everyone who is on this #HomeDepotBoycott saying they will now shop at Lowes…well here is the CEO of Lowes working with The President on retail tax reform etc. Time for #LowesBoycott as well? Who's up next then Ace Hardware?
— Kyle Gill (@CubsKeG) July 9, 2019
Then there’s this take:
Knowing that Home Depot’s customers are HARD working AMERICANS, this boycott won’t do anything except bring Home Depot more consumers. People who are against America usually aren’t hard working. #TryAgain #HomeDepotBoycott #Trump2020
— Think4Yourself (@freedomofwe) July 9, 2019
A Home Depot representative noted that Marcus retired from the company over 15 years ago, and “isn’t speaking on behalf of the company. In fact, as a standard practice, the company does not endorse presidential candidates.”
But that doesn’t matter to the low-information left…
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