
Liberal MSM Journos Freaking Out Over JD’s Commanding Debate Win (Video)

By morning, we'll all be told how unimportant this debate was in the grand scheme... if they'd won it's a different story

It’s all over but the crying… and the mainstream journos have been doing a LOT of that. After more than a month of the media fluffing Tim’s pillows it was time for him to stand on his own two feet.

He tried. And immediately did a faceplant.

It’s almost enough to make you feel bad for the guy… almost. And then you remember the kind of America he wants to help Kamala build, and the urge leaves you.

To say that Walz underperformed even the modest expectations his side had for him is a colossal understatement.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Maddow tried hard to spin in Walz’s favor, chalking up the spanking we all witnessed to Vance being more polished and experienced as a debater.

The ‘one bad moment’ was not when Tim called himself a knucklehead, or when he claimed to be friends with school shooters. It was when he couldn’t answer the question about when he lied about having been present in China for the Tiananmen Square massacre. (He wasn’t in the country until months later.) Of course, he made that claim while giving Congressional Testimony. Under oath.

But he misspoke, you see. It’s like someone saying they went to NYC in November of 2001 and was ‘there for 9/11’… or showing up in Berlin 6 months after the Iron Curtain comes down. Being ‘more or less’ present for a historical event just doesn’t work like that.

Bernie Sanders’ old campaign manager was upset that he wasn’t a seething rage-case like so many of the TV personalities that can’t even say Trump’s name without their blood pressure spiking.

In the end, even CNN had to admit it was no contest.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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