
Lesley Wolfe Stonewalls House Investigation Into DOJ Obstruction Allegations (Video)

Is AG Garland obstructing a Congressional investigation to work as Joe & Hunter's wingman?

The only reason Hunter Biden faces any criminal charges at all is because one judge had probing questions about the plea deal the DOJ had agreed to.

When the prosecution and defense started arguing over the precise implications of the immunity clauses in Hunter’s plea deal, and whether they applied in a narrow sense to specific areas of interest or as a blanket immunity, that deal collapsed.

We have learned both from whistleblowers and from primary documents such as emails that Lesley Wolfe played a significant role in what is being characterized by many as obstructing the criminal investigations into Hunter Biden, by limiting the scope of investigations to specifically exclude any lines of inquiry that might follow any evidence trail to Joe’s doorstep, and possibly even tipping off the Biden family about where the investigators were going to look for incriminating evidence in advance.

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When Wolfe was brought in for a deposition — AFTER the impeachment inquiry had been authorized in the House — she refused to answer questions based on instructions she had received from the DOJ.

Scott Perry, in the video above, explains more fully what House Oversight saw with Wolfe when they had her behind closed doors.

If this was happening with Barr under Trump, the press would be screaming for him to be impeached. How do we know? Because they DID call for him to be impeached any time he did something they didn’t like. (Naturally, now that Barr has joined them in the NeverTrump team, all is forgiven. Like others before him, he was given ‘strange new respect’.)

This seems like the Executive Branch itself is involved in deliberate obstruction of justice.

Did these clods learn nothing from the Nixon example? The cover-up is ALWAYS worse than the crime itself.

Or are they just so arrogant in their confidence that control of the media, the internet and the executive branch can shield them from any negative consequences of behavior they would absolutely destroy the other side for?

Judging by the DOJ quietly dropping their investigation into Biden’s documents case, it’s not hard to guess the answer to that question.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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