
Left-Wing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Threatens Kayleigh McEnany: ‘Watch Your Mouth’

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot called White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany a ‘Karen’ on social media Thursday and told her she better “watch her mouth.”

Lightfoot made the comments on Twitter after Time Magazine White House Correspondent Brian Bennett had reported that McEnenany referred to her as “the derelict Mayor of Chicago.”

“Hey, Karen,” the mayor wrote in response. “Watch your mouth.”

‘Karen’ according to Wikipedia has become a pejorative term for white women “perceived to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary.”

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Aside from calling Lightfoot the accurate term ‘derelict,’ McEnany also ripped her for inaction resulting in the city of Chicago being left in shambles.

In naming “other things” President Trump has to tend to, McEnany explained “namely Democrat cities not controlling their streets, namely the mayor of Chicago — people dying on the streets of her city every weekend.”

Monthly crime numbers published earlier this month by the Chicago Police Department show shootings on the rise by 45% and homicides up 34% over the same period of time the year before.

But this clown has time to launch a racially-tinged threat against the White House Press Secretary.

Classless Mayor

Mayor Lightfoot has tried to shift blame, as Democrats often do, to unrelated factors in reasoning why her city is so prone to violence.

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino hammered her as an ‘epic failure’ after Lightfoot attempted to blame the shootings on COVID-19 and of course, President Trump.


Aside from threatening McEnany, Lightfoot has often shown her lack of class when it comes to criticizing the White House.

Responding to President Trump’s comments that those vandalizing in the name of racial injustice are “thugs,” the mayor had this to say:

People are running around the city of Chicago with no regard for human life or property and Lightfoot’s priority is to pretend she’s tough by picking fights with McEnany and the President.

The people of Chicago deserve better than her.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession

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