
Lawlessness: Biden Ignores Supreme Court, Pushes More Student Debt Relief at Your Expense

Grabbing votes, destroying the Constitution

If you’d like to know why this current generation is not a particularly good fit for many jobs, it’s because the Federal government is breeding irresponsibility. Biden ignores the Supreme Court ruling that said he didn’t have the authority to cancel student debt but has proceeded to do it anyway. The move is inflationary, lawless, arrogant, and destroys the limits set by the Constitution in separation of powers.

“The Supreme Court Blocked it, but that didn’t stop me.” Joe Biden

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

For reference, the National Debt is at over $34 Trillion and rising exponentially. But Biden ignores the Supreme Court and does his own thing in favor of grabbing votes. Cancelling debt is extremely inflationary. Taxpayers will now foot the bill every time Biden wants to get votes – everything from the border crisis to student debt. It’s actually YOUR money at stake.

“The national debt — which measures what the U.S. owes its creditors — increased to $34,297,767,975,339.20 as of Wednesday afternoon, according to the latest numbers published by the Treasury Department…

The outlook for the federal debt level is bleak, with economists increasingly sounding the alarm over the torrid pace of spending by Congress and the White House…

The unrelenting increase is what prompted Fitch Ratings to issue a surprise downgrade of the nation’s long-term credit score in mid-2023. The agency cut the U.S. debt by one notch, snatching away its pristine AAA rating in exchange for an AA+ grade. In making the decision, Fitch cited alarm over the country’s deteriorating finances and expressed concerns over the government’s ability to address the ballooning debt burden amid sharp political divisions.” Fox Business

The Supreme Court ruled that Biden’s actions were unconstitutional. Biden ignores that ruling and presses ahead with his agenda. There is no such thing as “student loan forgiveness.” It’s simply causing other people to pay for it instead of the students. He is not being “gracious” to students. He is being a dictator to the taxpayers of America.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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