
Just who is running the White House shop?

Joe Biden talks to reporters, and right behind him is Kamala Harris. Who’s in charge? (YouTube, CNBC screen snip).

When the White House issued a fact sheet on Joe Biden’s “initial actions” on guns, which translates to more actions are on the horizon, it did something not seen before.

“Today,” the fact sheet began, “the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing six initial actions to address the gun violence public health epidemic.”

Pay attention and watch for Kamala Harris to be in Biden’s shadow at various events. At the White House for Biden’s gun control announcement, Harris was over his right shoulder by several feet.

Writing the other day at the Washington Times, Kelly Sadler observed, “It’s day 79 of the Harris-Biden administration,” and it wasn’t a typo.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“With Mr. Biden’s advanced age,” Sadler wrote, “it’s essential we explore Ms. Harris’ radical gun control plan, for it seems — like with the crisis on the southern border — Ms. Harris is taking the reins.”

That a writer might poke the administration a bit is one thing. When the White House actually says the “Biden-Harris Administration” in an official document, it’s time to sit up and take notice.

Back on March 28, Fox News observed, “The White House, breaking with tradition, now lists the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ on its website rather than simply, ‘the Biden Administration.’

“The move appears to have been one of several moves seemingly intended to elevate Vice President Kamala Harris’ position within President Joe Biden’s administration.

“Neither of the previous two administrations listed both the president and vice president on their main website or social media channels.”

A few lines later, Fox noted, “Biden has flubbed more than once in referring to his VP as ‘President Harris.’ Earlier this month he misspoke in a speech offering updates on a vaccination progress in the U.S. and referring to his vice president as ‘President Harris.’”

So, what’s happening? Democrats have yearned to be the first party to elect a woman president. They thought it would be Hillary Rodham Clinton until Election Night 2016 when Donald Trump stunned the world by upsetting the Clinton apple cart. Democrats never forgave Trump, and spent the next four years dogging him relentlessly with one thing after another, from Russia to COVID-19.

The question comes up now and then; is Biden a place-holder for Harris? Will he serve a pre-determined amount of time before stepping down voluntarily, thus handing Harris the presidency without having her actually run for the office?

It’s all speculation at this point, the stuff bad dreams are made of, to paraphrase Humphrey Bogart’s Sam Spade in “The Maltese Falcon.”


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