Author: Adina Kutnicki
WHEN one is steeped in the dirty and dangerous business of Islamic jihad, it becomes vital to recognize when smoke – and then some – is blown in this or that direction. After all, a highly developed sixth sense is more than mandatory. Call it a hyper-radar borne out of necessity. On steroids.
TOPPING it off, those of us who have written books on the subject, well, that kinda gives us a leg up. Ya think?
RESULTANT, a common denominator throughout “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” (Sept. 2016) delves into the intersection between Facebook’s censorship re anything remotely critical of Islam in particular and jihad in specific, relative to the ways in which America’s security apparatus (whether from its federal, state, or local arms) drops the ball, and even obstructs a jihadi’s capture. Of course, there are various manifest reasons for this “strange” behavior, most of which tie into politically-driven outcomes through interference into active investigations.
MORE specifically, the above referenced book explores some cases in point and outs “jihadis of interest”, as well as their enablers. It is not for nothing. Know that all due deliberation is always in play.
THEREFORE, consider the following markers as prima facie evidence to today’s thesis – that which shore up the whys and wherefores – as to how it comes to pass that the same disinterest in “follow-up” to the jihadis running amok in the US is a leading and contributory factor to the recent slaughters in Britain. Elsewhere alike. Simply put, it’s the allergic (multi-faceted) reaction of western leaders – evidenced through their failure to hold Islam’s barbarians accountable – which keeps the carnage flowing! Their coverage.
- In fact, CHAPTER TWO within BANNED is more than a backgrounder. It is evidentiary. An eye-opener. “MILITANT JIHAD: ITS KNOCK-ON EFFECTS TO THE WEST” not only details the ins and outs of Islamic jihad, but the ways in which leftist-fascist political ideology via PC correctness continuously aids and abets jihadi terrorism. No doubt.
- So much so, this same chapter (page 33) discusses the “opening of jihad on US soil”, that which dates back to November 5, 1990. Nevertheless, it was covered up by officialdom for sundry political purposes, regardless of the (known) dangers at bay. Mind you, said grievously injurious and treacherous misconduct directly led to the 1993 attack on the Twin Towers and its follow-on, 9/11/01!
- Moving right along, this chapter’s evidentiary trail between “Islam and Blood” (pages 40-47) can’t be any starker. No matter. US security agencies tolerate (political) arm-twisting by acceding to a “see no (Islamic) evil, hear no (Islamic) evil” “tactical” approach. How can this be?
- But there’s more. Pages 48-54 directly implicate the FEDS. This is an outgrowth of their obdurate refusal to investigate overwhelming evidence re a sophisticated jihadi gold/money laundering operation housed within Massachusetts, but spread out beyond its borders. The query becomes: why would they fail to protect the American public, when they have in hand more than enough actionable intel to choke many horses?
- Even worse, interspersed throughout the rest of the book is additional proof of the same. Lo and behold, in the AFTERWORD, “JIHAD IN ORLANDO: FACEBOOK TAKES CENTER STAGE,” a crescendo is reached. Well, the most direct nexus between Facebook’s enabling of Islamic jihad also uncovered recent intelligence blindness of egregious proportions! Incontestably, it would be accurate to assert: if NOT for the actual “hands off” approach to a KNOWN and “on the radar” jihadi (a mirror image to the ignoring of intelligence which led to San Bernardino’s Islamic barbarism ), so too 49 lives wouldn’t have been snuffed out – with 58 sustaining grave wounds – at the Pulse Gay Nightclub on June 12, 2016 ! Internalize: what is laid out in pages 150-153 beats a deadly and direct path from Obama Inc.’s (Islamic coddling and empowering) door, that which, then as now, still includes captured security agencies!!
WHICH brings us full circle to the most recent jihad in Britain and elsewhere in Europe. Londonistan’s devastating knock-on effects replicate the very same sickness which embed and infest from the political level and filter down into myriad security agencies. Inextricably, the jihad which is taking place – again and again – throughout America and Europe is one and the same. Immutable. Hyper-linked.
One of the three jihadists who murdered revellers in central London on Saturday had been reported to the anti-terror police on at least two occasions, it has been claimed.
A former friend of the terrorist, who was shot dead by police along with two accomplices, claimed he had been radicalised while watching YouTube videos and said he contacted the authorities after becoming concerned over his friend’s extremist views.
A neighbour also claimed she had contacted police in Barking, east London, after the suspect tried to convert her children to Islam and radicalise them. The man is not being named at the request of the police.
The former friend claimed he contacted police after comments the man made about other previous attacks. But he said the authorities had failed to act and take action despite evidence of increasingly extremist views.
The friend told the BBC’s Asian Network that the terrorist had been radicalised watching videos of the infamous American hate preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril.
He said: “We spoke about a particular attack that happened and like most radicals he had a justification for anything and everything and that day I realised I needed to contact the authorities.”
He added: “He used to listen to a lot of Musa Jibril. I have heard some of this stuff and its very radical. I am surprised this stuff is still on YouTube and is easily accessible. I phoned the anti-terror hotline. I spoke to the gentleman. I told him about our conversation and why I think he was radicalised.”
However, he said he was not arrested and was allowed to keep his passport. “I did my bit, I know a lot of other people did their bit, but the authorities did not do their bit,” the friend said.
Erica Gasparri, an Italian mother of three who lived close to him, claimed she had reported him to Barking police two years ago, after he began “brainwashing” her children at a local park. She said she had confronted him after her two children came home and said: “Mummy I want to become a Muslim.”
She said the police had told her the information had been passed to Scotland Yard but she had heard nothing more.
Ms Gasparri said: “He was trying to radicalise the children, he would go down to the park and talk to them about Islam. He also came to the houses and gave the kids money and sweets during Ramadan.”
Anti-terror police raided the block of flats on King’s Road in Barking, where the man was believed to live with his wife and two children. The couple was said to have had an arranged marriage.
The attacker’s parents were reported to be asylum seekers from Pakistan. His father is said to also live in east London, but his mother is dead….continue reading its devastating truths….
MOST significantly for non-Muslim Americans and the nation’s security, Dearbornistan is involved. Yes, that mid-American (for all intents and purposes, Sharia Law compliant too, despite those who shriek liar, liar, and “Islamophobe” ) city houses the Islamic terror hate preacher (one of a voluminous list throughout the country) Musa Jibril, a major influencer of Londonistan’s jihadi barbarians! Say it ain’t so. In practical terms, similarly, how many Muslim-Americans is he responsible for inciting? Concomitantly, why isn’t he (and the rest of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists) in jail, or deported to one or another Islamic hell-hole?
BUT never mind. Jibril, akin to countless others, is unfettered and protected within the confines of the US. Thus, he is free to spew and incite to anti-American/western terror, both online, inside mosques, and everywhere in between. Yes, America’s leftist-fascists truly believe that said hard fought and treasured right, freedom of speech, must be extended to those who seek nothing less than the death of all infidels, as long as America is destroyed in the process! As to conservatives, oh noes, they must be silenced – at all costs!
OMINOUSLY, no one from American/western officialdom dares to stop Allah’s messengers. On the other hand, many who are sounding the alarms are being banned, effectively, silenced, be it on youtube, social media, or via official dictates.
ALAS, what’s to be done?
AS is known, this site never holds back and pulls no punches, so why should this time be any different? Precisely. In fact, each year that passes without any concrete and actionable plans from officialdom (other than pithy and toothless soundbites while they thump their chests, when this and that barbaric attack occurs), the more the ante is upped at this end. How could it not? Besides, what’s the alternative?
CONSEQUENTIALLY, one of life’s main lessons can be gleaned within this quote: “G-d helps those who help themselves.” A compelling truth. Inextricably.
TO wit, from one patriot to another, listen up….
The free world… all of Christendom… is at war with Islamic horror. Not one penny of American treasure should be granted to any nation who harbors these heathen animals. Not a single radicalized Islamic suspect should be granted any measure of quarter. Their intended entry to the American homeland should be summarily denied. Every conceivable measure should be engaged to hunt them down. Hunt them, identify them, and kill them. Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good and righteous. Kill them all.
-Captain Clay Higgins
UNFAILINGLY, as night follows day, the response from Islamists and their leftist-fascist collaborators (toward this direction) is expected to be fast and furious; all for daring to point out the obvious remedies which must be directed to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists. And just so there is NO misunderstanding, this counter-jihadist is in rock solid agreement with the righteous and lifesaving prescriptive measures of Rep (Captain) Clay Higgins.
RESULTANT, and not to waste precious time and belabor the point, the answer to all who oppose the aforementioned is….
STILL yet, and not one to beat a dead horse, think about this: how much safer would the west be had officialdom, media mouthpieces, and otherwise self-appointed liberal-fascist elitists (most of whom detest Israel for the “crime” of being the Jewish people’s homeland, a thorn in the Arab/Muslim side) refused to turn a blind eye – for decades on end – to the PA/Hamas junta’s ongoing terror onslaught inflicted upon Jews in Israel? For truth dare be told, each and every jihadi method “perfected” in Israel has come back, in ten-fold measure, to explode within Europe’s cities and America’s alike.
CONCLUSIVELY, the lesson that should be learned – but probably will fall on deaf ears – is this: non-Muslims, wherever they live, cannot run away, hide from, and ignore jihadi terror, even if it appears to be the path of least resistance and is “only” targeting long-suffering, let’s be honest, despised Jews!
AT the end of it all, each and every non-Muslim is in their jihadi cross hairs – like it or not.
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- If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}