
Japanese Man Transformed Himself into a Dog, Spending Thousands on a Dog Suit

No dog-affirming surgery out there. Yet.

A Japanese man who wanted to be a dog purchased a custom-made Rough-Coated Collie suit to do it. He is known only as Toco.  (Yeah I’d hide my name from public scrutiny too if I spent that much money on an overpriced dog suit.) He specifically said he doesn’t want his coworkers to know about his “hobby” so that is why he goes by Toco. He even has his very own YouTube channel. At least he has a job somewhere, and he knows it’s a hobby. He’s not the only Japanese man to check out of reality.

Toco completed the costume with a harness strapped around his furry abdomen, but admitted he was “nervous” and “scared” of venturing out in public. 

“Do you remember your dreams from when you are little? You want to be a hero or a wizard,” he wrote in the clip, describing his life-dog dog dream as seemingly “unrealistic.”

“I remember writing in my grade school graduation book that I wanted to be a dog and walk outside.”

As an introduction to his unusual hobby, Toco answered a series of questions in a video posted last year, admitting he always “had a vague dream of becoming an animal” ever since he was a child.

“When I fulfilled that dream, this is how it turned out,” he wrote in the clip, adding that he chose to become a collie due to the negligible size difference between the breed and humans. New York Post

There are other humans who have desires to become 4 legged critters. Another Japanese man paid $23K for a custom-made wolf suit. He claims he did it to get away from human relationships for a while.

Screenshot of Toru Oeda’s wolf suit- both men’s suits are made by Zeppet, a company that makes suits for movies

Japanese engineer Toru Ueda likes to wind down from a busy week with a drink just like anyone else. But rather than heading down to the local bar, he likes to entertain at home — dressed up in a giant wolf suit worth 3 million yen [$23,000 USD].

According to the Tokyo professional, his obsession with animals stems from wanting to escape from the general hassle of being a person.

“When I wear my costume I feel I’m no longer human,” the 32-year-old told the UK Times. “I’m free of human relationships. All kinds of troubles, related to work and other things — I can forget about them.” New York Post

Relationships in humanity are difficult, but the tendency to dress up as animals seems to be growing. There are the “furries” which we have written about previously who can become quite agitated if confronted. It is unclear if these two Japanese men are volatile or just sick of humans in general and need a break. I get sick of people too but have never donned an expensive animal suit to fix it.

There seems to be little difference in turning yourself into a dog or wolf and checking out of society in a furry costume. It is a sign of the times: people have lost their ever-lovin’ minds.

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This video attempts to answer some questions about why Toco chose to become a dog.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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