
Kevin Jackson hammers race hustler Obama for Dallas cop killings (Video)

Obama doesn't leave home without it.
Obama doesn’t leave home without it.

Like a beacon of truth and common sense shining through the inky darkness of ignorance and stupidity, author Kevin Jackson appeared on Fox & Friends on Friday, July 8, 2016 for his thoughts and opinions regarding the gutless ambush of Dallas LEOs (law enforcement officials – Dallas Police Department and Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police).

Jackson held little back when he placed the blame for America’s ever widening racial divide directly at the feet of Barack Obama. Below is both the video and transcript of just some of Jackson’s comments (emphasis mine):

KEVIN JACKSON: I think what we should be talking about is why this attack occurred, which is, quite frankly, we’ve been leading up to it. When it happened in Ferguson, people seem to forget that police officers were shot at in Ferguson in one of the last episodes. And police officers are being killed all over this country and it’s leadership from the top. Barack Obama’s speech helped to stoke this.

The facts are very clear, many people in America are unfortunately shot by police officers. In fact there have been 561 shootings so far. 275 of those deaths were white folks. 136 were black. And 86 were hispanic. I would defy anybody that’s paying attention to this stuff to tell me who was the last Hispanic who was killed. They wouldn’t even know the name Alex Nunez. They wouldn’t know the name Michael Mishtow, or Alex Mishtow rather, because he was the last white person killed. But we do know the name of Castile, we do know the name of Sterling, we do know the name of Freddie Gray and Michael Brown.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

We should not be demonizing police officers for doing their jobs and in the case of Castile, if indeed it is a bad shoot as they say, let the law take its course. Despite Hillary Clinton, what happened with Hillary Clinton, we do believe in laws in this country.

In a related story, the Associated Press (via Canada’s Global News) reports that  the Dallas Chief of Police David O. Brown (who is black) informed the press that one of the captured killers was “upset” and “wanted to kill white people, white police officers.”  Chief Brown also relayed that the murderer “told negotiators he wanted to ‘kill white people, especially white officers.’”

In another related article, Joe Newby of Conservative Firing Line cites multiple examples of individuals taking to Twitter’s Black Lives Matter in praise of those who killed five officers, wounding seven others.

Just one typical example of those cited by Newby, posted by @nudezyy:


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