
J.D. Vance Challenges Wretched Martha Raddatz

When you are the plexus responsible for defining truth, every lie can be presented as truth despite its falsity. As I wrote in the website version of my Oct. 7, 2024, syndicated op-ed titled, “No Fact-Checkers Needed For Kamala Harris”:

“The growth of cultural-Marxism has given rise to an eristic weaponization of demonizing factual truth. The choice of weaponry in this theater of battle today is fact-checking. Fact-checking was introduced as a propaedeutic, i.e., a form of easily verified historical validation. In other words, anything predating the debate of the moment could be checked for accuracy.”

Which brings me to ABC’s Martha Raddatz, a wretched impersonator of journalistic integrity who personifies agitprop. Her tardive dyskinesia-like facial contortions are consistent with her genre. There was a time when the presenters of news and information at least pretended to be truthful, even if biased. Suffice it to say the ship has long ago sailed on that being a reality.

In a recent appearance on what ABC purports to be a news show, GOP vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance challenged Raddatz per whether or not she was listening to the idiocy of her attempted defense of violent criminals terrorizing housing complexes.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

At approximately the 13-second mark of a video clip, she doubles down with a hand gesture and a contortion of her mouth, perhaps for emphasis, in an attempt to make it acceptable that the mayor of a Colorado town had said only a “handful” of apartment complexes were taken over by illegal aliens from Venezuela. And, that somehow made it OK.

She wasn’t reporting; she was attempting to skewer President Trump for daring to make mention of illegals taking over housing complexes in the Colorado town. Her producers cued her program to somehow legitimize the illegals and vilify Trump for speaking the truth.

Specific to my point, what nearly all of the public fails to understand is that those like Raddatz are contrived caricatures of marginal entertainment facsimiles. They are fakes and charades – hence the assignation of them as media. But, the viewing public is blind to this reality.

Media by definition: “The singular media and its plural medias seem to have originated in the field of advertising over 70 years ago; they are still so used without stigma in that specialized field. In most other applications media is used as a plural of medium. The popularity of the word in references to the agencies of mass communication is leading to the formation of a mass noun, construed as a singular.” (Note: This definition is exactly the same as found in my Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary desk copy, which I’ve used since 1983; it reads 50 years instead of 70 years.)

Journalist, as defined in my Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, is: “One engaged in journalism; a writer or editor for a news medium; a writer who aims at a mass audience.”

In both instances, the idea is that factual and trustworthy information is being presented. However, to the extent said was ever the goal, it certainly isn’t in the so-called news and information zeitgeist of today. They are the personification of tautological, e.g., Trump bad – abortion good.

Raddatz’s attempt to paint factual truth as a misrepresentation of facts has long become the accepted norm that masquerades as news and journalism. From CNN to Fox News and nearly everything in between, the manufacture of so-called news juxtaposed to the factual reporting of same is the norm.

As I reported Sept. 3, 2018, CNN’s Eason Jordan “brazenly and habitually lied to fellow journalists about the integrity of his network’s reporting.” The Truth, as Jordan would later admit, was quite different. Jordan admitted that CNN under his watch, “rarely publish[ed] the truth, preferring to parrot the party line of [Saddam] who they personally knew was a bloody maniac with terrible weapons and plans.” Jordan would later admit CNN [intentionally] misreported the news in Iraq so as to retain a news desk there and also retain a favorable relationship with Saddam Hussein. (See my column “6 Eye-Popping Cases Of Mainstream Media Fake News.”)

Rachel Maddow isn’t a journalist. She’s a lesbian who can read a screen without blinking. Bill Maher isn’t a journalist nor does he feign being one. He’s a comedian and entertainer who voices his opinion on politics. I don’t watch his show because I don’t like it; but, if I did, at least I know what I’m getting is true to his politics. He’s not pretending to be something he isn’t. ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis recently showcased the objective of these supposed news outlets: Silence and crush all disagreement and promote the decadence of the cultural-Marxist agenda.

In a brazen attempt to give themselves credibility, the cable-media outlets are now rebranding themselves as the “legacy media.” If they had substantive intellectual value, rebranding themselves wouldn’t be necessary.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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