WHILE leftist-fascists are continuously in an uproar re this and that imaginary “racist” bugaboo (especially, when it comes to Mohammedans – never mind that they do not constitute a race), the fact remains that out-sized dangers await to explode. Yes, their incessant and unhinged agitating serves as a shield and a blindfold type cover.
MIND you, when the sh-t-storm hits, not one “infidel” will be spared. Categorically, they are more than useful idiots. Traitors.
“Infidels and apostates aren’t like us, they aren’t even human and should be given to ISIS to cut their throats,” say Syrian refugees
BE that as it may, let it be shouted from the (virtual) rooftops: Time and again, continuous warnings re impending threats are blared, but countless would rather “see no Islamic evil, hear no Islamic evil, speak no Islamic evil.” Monkey see, monkey do. Suit yourselves.
ATOP it all, it has become the “norm” to self-censor. Now, aside from the mountain of evidence housed at this site – in tandem with demonstrative knock-on effects from officialdom’s clamp-down on free speech via so-called “hate speech” – clear-eyed readers understand full well that these ears can turn deaf too, albeit, in the polar opposite direction! Thus, highlighting primary exhibits as prima facie evidence of the same – alas, by no means exhaustive in nature – is where it is at, regardless of certain strategies deployed to shut this mouth up.
- Resultant, on June 18, 2017, “Mohammedans, ‘Refugees’, Overtake Utica, N.Y.; A Template – New Castle, PA Up Next….Patriots, Get Busy – Or Else!“, placed everyone on notice. Yes, entire cities are falling under their boot. Still yet, a preponderance remain clueless.
- Most shockingly, it is hardly as if Mohammedans are shy about revealing the true face of Islam. Not at all. The core question is: Why aren’t more listening??
- So is it any wonder that another high-pitched warning was issued: Americans, Watch Out: Islamic “Refugees” Will Control Your Streets – If Not Sent Packing!
- Incontestably, there is an inextricable linkage between Islamic “refugees” and Jihad – Mohammedans, in general. But par for their demented course, the PC, leftist-driven media is stone-cold silent – except, when they are aiding and abetting!
NOW that the unassailable truths are in plain view, let’s connect up some recent and very tangible dangers vis-à-vis so-called “refugees”; that which clearly prove how the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, a/k/a CAIR, is in the forefront – as they submit America to its dictates, creep by creep.
HOW many are aware that strict rules are in place regarding head coverings in venues where security is paramount? If not, time to catch up to speed. The point being, if one is inclined to hide contraband, what better place than under a hat or a hijab? Indeed.
CONCOMITANTLY, how many are shocked that CAIR jumped into the fray, knowing full well that the City of Atlanta (and elsewhere) does NOT allow prisoners to wear head coverings, including, the non-religious mandated hijab?
(CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper with CAIR Executive Director and founder Nihad Awad)
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a terrorist-front group that is often quoted in the news media as a “civil rights” organization for Muslims. It is one thing for ignorant reporters to not know about CAIR’s background, but there is no excuse for law enforcement! Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the latest outrage:
Caving into the demands of a terrorist front group, the City of Atlanta Detention Center in Georgia is allowing female Muslim inmates to wear a head scarf (hijab) used as a symbol of modesty in the Islamic dress code. Hats and other head covers are banned in American state and federal prisons for security and safety reasons. Making an exception to this rule to appease followers of one religion sets a dangerous precedent. Besides, the Quran doesn’t require Muslim women to wear a hijab. The cover is optional and those who wear it do so willfully as an act of worship.
Nevertheless, corrections officials at the City of Atlanta Detention Center changed the rules to satisfy the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation (read more in a Judicial Watch special report that focuses on Muslim charities). CAIR was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, Nihad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. The Obama administration allowed CAIR to transform the way U.S. law enforcement agencies conduct anti-terrorism training by allowing the group to bully agencies at the local, state and federal level to alter counterterrorism training materials determined to be discriminatory against Muslims…..continue reading….
INESTIMABLY, as always, their thrust is two-fold: On the one hand, if a hiding place is needed, well, they got that covered. On the other, by twisting arms through any means possible – chiefly, through lawfare, that is, if public “shaming” doesn’t work – the main goal, submission, is that much closer – and without non-Muslim citizens the wiser. They got that right!
ALL of which brings the danger from so-called “refugees” to the highest alert possible (Mohammedans in toto, be they “refugees”, or home-grown), most especially, if one considers poisoning the food supply a national security threat, as well as contamination through communicable diseases!
In an effort to stab President Trump in the back and play politics with their crappy coffee, Starbucks has been on a Muslim refugee hiring frenzy in recent months that has typically backfired. After 10,000 Muslims were given jobs as an act of resistance against Trump’s migrant ban, a watchdog program that performs consumer affairs on popular businesses discovered fecal material in numerous samples of Starbucks coffee. As the coffee giant defiantly moves to hire even more more refugees despite what was just found in their coffee, unfortunately, poop in coffee might be the least of our concerns after what was just discovered in California.
On Tuesday, Starbucks held a hiring event exclusively for Muslim refugees in San Diego, with the coffee franchise proclaiming their intentions to hire more than 10,000 refugees at baristas across the United States over the course of the next 5 years. But unfortunately for the remaining Americans who aren’t scared to sip on possible crap-contaminated coffee, consuming Starbucks could now be fatal.
21.4 percent of Muslim refugees in the San Diego County carry tuberculosis, a disgusting disease that infects the lungs and is easily spread through the air by speaking, coughing, sneezing, or spitting. The location that Starbucks is picking their Muslim workers from is in San Diego County, a place where this highly-contagious disease runs rampant throughout the Muslim migrant community.
Research by a prominent doctor by the name of Timothy Rodwell, who works as a professor and physician in the Division of Global Health at UCSD, warned of the rampant TB after screening Muslim refugees in San Diego. He noted that this leading refugee resettlement site poses the highest rates of active TB in the entire country, where Brietbart reports that an astounding 1/4th of these Muslims have the disease.
Pamela Geller weighed in on the massive threat that these Muslim workers pose to the heath of Americans who will now be sneezing and coughing over steaming hot cups of coffee at Starbucks across America saying, “In other words, the incidence of active TB among the 4,280 refugees who were resettled in San Diego County between January 2010 and October 2012 was 327 per 100,000, more than 100 times greater than the incidence of active TB among the entire population of the United States in 2016.” She went on:
“About four percent of the entire population of the United States tests positive for latent TB infection. Around 10 percent of those with LTBI will develop active TB at some point in their lives. The triggering mechanism to activate latent TB is not entirely understood, but high levels of stress, crowded living situations, poor public health practices, the presence of other diseases that lower the immune system, and behavioral conduct–such as smoking–appear to increase the chances of activation.”
“The 21.4 percent of refugees in the San Diego County study who tested positive for latent TB infection is about five times the national average.”
Breitbart News reached out to Starbucks to inquire if safety measures were being put in place in the form of mandatory testing for latent and active TB in their Muslim workers, but predictably, the liberals running the company have no time to respond to a conservative news site.
KGTV reported:
“About 30 Starbucks managers will conduct on-the-spot interviews at the International Rescue Committee’s office located at 131 E. Main Street in El Cajon from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 8. Applicants are encouraged to visit Starbucks online career center prior to the event and bring resumes along with them. The store managers will talk to the refugee applicants about what it’s like to work for Starbucks and review qualifications for the barista position.”
“The world’s largest coffee chain said it would focus initial efforts on markets where refugee need is greatest and there’s a store base to meet the need.”
“According to state and federal data, San Diego fits the bill.”
“No other California county has received more refugees during the past decade than San Diego county.”
“In 2016, San Diego settled 3,100 refugees, along with 520 military interpreters on special immigrant visas.”
It’s absolutely disgusting that Starbucks would gamble with the lives of millions of Americans in order to make a political statement with their products. But if consumers are willing to ingest Tuberculosis-infected coffee in order to show their solidarity with Muslim migrants, then perhaps the weeding out of the gene pool is something we should celebrate. The less morons running rampant and destroying our country, the better!
PATRIOTS, BOYCOTT STARBUCKS! Pay it forward. Besides, your very well-being, and that of your loved ones, depends on doing so.
MOST significantly (and somewhat understandably), even though Stealth Jihad a/k/a Civilization/Cultural Jihad is harder for most to recognize and identify, it is not as if hints…clues…bread crumbs…whatever…are not being given – and from Mohammedans themselves, be they “refugees” or homegrown Jihadis. You got that??
AND this is precisely the arena where CAIR reigns supreme. For the most part, leftist-fascists tug at the “heart-strings” whenever so-called “refugees” are mentioned, thus, reeling in clueless Americans in the deadly process.
YES. more than a national security threat!
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