
Immunity Decision Hits Courts: Bragg Won’t Oppose Trump Sentencing Delay

It was expected that there would be an avalanche of motions and arguments in the multiple Democrat lawfare cases against President Donald Trump after Monday’s ruling that he has complete immunity for “official” actions in office, and even the presumption of immunity for a long list of additional situations.

There’s even a ban on using his comments and such as evidence.

And they’ve started. Responding to a request from Trump’s lawyers for a delay in the sentencing in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s claims of business reporting violations, Bragg’s office said it will not oppose.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Fox News reveals Bragg’s office said it will not oppose a request that the hearing scheduled for July 11 be delayed.

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The exact impact of the immunity ruling on the multiple lawfare cases launched by Democrats against Trump remains to be determined. Some of the issues were sent back to the lower courts for further review.

But the ruling has enraged Democrats who assembled a long list of legal and civil cases against Trump just after he announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race – a race he now leads over Joe Biden.

In the Bragg case, the prosecutor, who campaigned on the promise to “get” Trump, claimed that some business reporting entries, misdemeanors for which the statute of limitations had expired, actually were felonies because he claimed Trump made the entries in pursuit of a further crime, which was unspecified.

That further crime wasn’t even defined for the jury to be asked to agree – apparently violating the requirement for unanimous juries for criminal convictions.

The result was a conviction on 34 counts by a leftist jury in the leftist enclave of Manhattan, where huge majorities voted against Trump.

Bragg has informed Juan Merchan, the judge in the case who refused to excuse himself even though he repeatedly took the prosecutor’s side in arguments, and his daughter was raising millions of dollars for Democrats off her own father’s courtroom rulings, about his decision on Trump’s request.

Trump’s lawyers, in fact, have moved to overturn that conviction because of the immunity provisions that the Supreme Court already has outlined.

Fox reported, “In a 6-3 decision, the court narrowed the case against the former president and returned it to the trial court to determine what is left of special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment.” That’s yet another lawfare case brought by Democrat operatives against Trump.

Bragg’s statement said, “We are in receipt of defendant’s pre-motion letter dated July 1, 2024 seeking leave to file a motion to set aside the verdict pursuant to CPL § 330.30(1) based upon the Supreme Court’s July 1, 2024 decision in Trump v. United States. In that letter, defendant requested until July 10, 2024 to submit a memorandum of law in support of such motion.

“While defendant’s letter states that he does ‘not object to an adjournment of the July 11, 2024 sentencing date,’ his request to file moving papers on July 10 is necessarily a request to adjourn the sentencing hearing currently scheduled for July 11, 2024 pending resolution of the motion. Although we believe defendant’s arguments to be without merit, we do not oppose his request for leave to file and his putative request to adjourn sentencing pending determination of his motion.”

The sentencing was on the schedule for July 11, days before the Republican National Convention at which Trump is expected to formally accept the party’s nomination for president.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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