Illegal Aliens Invade Nancy Pelosi DACA Press Conference [VIDEO]
Nancy Pelosi held a press conference Monday to discuss the DACA amnesty negotiations. During the beginning of the conference a group representing illegal aliens crashed her soiree and demanded she grant amnesty to every single illegal in the country. They told her either everyone can come in or no one can.
I wholeheartedly agree. No one. Democrats should make this a demand. They can possibly get DACA passed but there is no way they can give amnesty to all of the 11 – 15 million illegal immigrants. Therefore, I would love to see them demand everyone or no one. We saw what voters thought of amnesty in the 2016 presidential election.
They took her press conference over entirely and every time she tried to speak, they would shout her down. She couldn’t get a word in edgewise.
They announced:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
We remember all too well how for eight years the Democrats laid siege to our communities, raiding and deporting nearly three million people, of our family members and loved ones. Where was your resistance then? Ms. Pelosi, did you think we would forget? We send a clear message to our fellow undocumented youth and community: We are the resistance to Trump! Not the Democrats!
The activists also chanted “Brown power!” In a show of “intersectionality” — solidarity among left-wing groups — they also chanted “Trans lives matter!” and other slogans, while Pelosi stood silently behind the throng.
“You met with Trump, and you call that resistance?” they shouted in unison.
Earlier, Pelosi had spoken at the podium with community leaders and fellow members of Congress from the Bay Area in support of her legislative push for a bill that would legalize the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
President Donald Trump canceled DACA earlier this month, but left Congress a six-month window in which to find a legislative solution for the roughly 800,000 DACA beneficiaries. Pelosi said that she wanted the “DREAM Act,” a long-dormant Democratic Party bill that goes much further than DACA, “to be the basis of how we go forward.”
“We’re not giving up our fight to protect America’s dreamers,” she said.
However, she could not speak over the protests. “It’s clear you don’t want any answers,” she said.
I would love to see the Republicans hold a meeting and invite all of these same illegal aliens to it and announce that they have decided to give in to their demands and that they would drop DACA right away to work on Obamacare repeal and tax cuts for businesses and the middle class, with a few billion set aside to help the illegals to return from whence they came.
George Soros is demanding that Democrats refuse to spend a nickel to defend the border from future illegals.
According to the Daily Caller:
Leading activist groups backed by pro-open borders financier George Soros are demanding that congressional Democrats obstruct any measures that allow the administration to enforce existing immigration law, even if they come as part of a package granting amnesty to more than 800,000 “DREAMers.”
Soros-backed “resistance” group Indivisible is partnering with the National Immigration Law Center and United We Dream to increase pressure on all congressional Democrats, but especially House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, whom the activists criticize for having a “cozy relationship with Trump.”
The activists are organizing phone call campaigns this week to pressure Democrats to reject any DACA legislation that includes funding for border security measures.
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