
Ice Raids Net 680 Illegals

They were the largest ICE raids in 11 years. Search warrants were executed at 7 business locations in Mississippi on Wednesday morning, and 680 illegals were detained. Cue the liberal hysteria.

 ICE raids
ICE/HSI photo release

The ICE press release reads in part:

“All the unlawfully present foreign nationals arrested Wednesday are being interviewed by ICE staff to record any potential mitigating humanitarian situations. Based on these interviews, and consideration of their criminality and prior immigration history, ICE is determining on a case-by-case basis based on the totality of the circumstances which individuals will be detained and which persons may be released from custody at present. In all cases, all the illegal aliens encountered as part of this operation are either being placed into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts, and for those who already received due process and have been ordered removed, processed for removal from the U.S. “


Note: approximately half of them were released on “humanitarian grounds” according to Fox.

The ICE raids took place at plants in Bay Springs, Carthage, Canton, Morton, Pelahatchie, and Sebastapol, according to Breitbart. They were done in conjunction with Homeland Security Investigations.

Think about this: the illegals detained were unlawfully working at seven meat-packing plants in Mississippi. Each business in the US is responsible for verifying a person’s eligibility to work at their company. They are supposed to verify identities and legal status…some illegals have actually stolen the identities of American citizens, and used false Social Security numbers. The illegal activity has caused innumerable headaches for the victims. These businesses are likely to be some deep hot water.

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As usual, the bleeding heart liberals are having fits.

“Who will be there for the children when they come home from school? Mass arrests in Mississippi are family separation by massive means. Cruelty seems to be the purpose.” Sen (blue checkmark) Richard Blumenthal

Violins playing in the background.

ICE officials are raiding Mississippi plants: “A tearful 13-year-old boy whose parents are from Guatemala waved goodbye to his mother, a Koch worker, as he stood beside his father. Some employees tried to flee on foot but were captured in the parking lot.” Amee Vanderpool (no checkmark)

More violins now they’re screeching.

“JUST NOW: ICE raided several Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 people. The largest ICEraid in 10 years!! This is outrageous, these are our neighbors, friends, and loved ones!!!! #AbolishICE” United We Dream (blue checkmark)

Actually, they’re not your neighbors unless you live in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador….etc.

Others called Trump some pretty vile names. He didn’t do this, by the way. The ICE raids came as a result of an investigation that has been on going into the food processing plants where the illegals were detained. But then, liberals blame Trump for everything.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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