
HR 6981 – The Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024

Destruction of the 2nd Amendment on deck

On January 11, 2024, notorious left-wing Democrat Jamie Raskin introduced The Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024 – HR 6981. Its ultimate purpose is to prevent law abiding gun owners from training with their legal weapons, although Democrats are packaging it as attempting to prevent the formation of “militias.”  The bill has 10 cosponsors.

Historical truth – the opposite of HR 6981

During the American Revolution, the word “militia” was not a propaganda tool for the left. It was a requirement. Every able-bodied male was expected to be armed, keep enough ammo (in those days powder and shot) and participate in training for “militias.”  Good thing, too as Britain’s attempt to steal/confiscate the Colonist’s firearms was one factor that precipitated the Revolution. The historical context led to the 2022 Bruen decision by the Supreme Court – the historical precedent for firearms rights in the Constitution.

Ordinary people were involved in the formation of small groups whose purpose was self-defense and community assistance. Similar groups today have the same purpose – but you wouldn’t know that by the narrative of the likes of Raskin and his cohorts… militias (paramilitary groups) are viewed as evil. Democrats are using the January 6th riot as a reason for the bill.

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The bill HR 6981

Unauthorized private paramilitary activity

#3 is concerning, since ammunition and “large capacity feeding devices” primarily travel in interstate commerce. Keep in mind there is a penalty added that includes FORFEITURE of any real property- you know, like firearms. You can also go to Federal Prison for anywhere from a year to life, depending on the ‘crime.’ There are a host of laws that deal with criminal behavior, but Raskin and company have ignored them in favor of this political bill.

The exemptions specifically include AUTHORIZED government entities and reenactments. Anyone outside of an official government entity is prohibited from any such paramilitary training. And heaven forbid someone travel to another state to get tactical firearms training, that’s a prohibited act in the bill. (Of course, it happens all the time as people who want professional training travel to where that training is held).

“Three years ago, white supremacists affiliated with paramilitary organizations stormed the U.S. Capitol, shattering windows, walls, and the families of five U.S. Capitol police officers. Private paramilitary actors, such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, pose a serious threat to democracy and the rule of law, and we must create new prohibitions on their unauthorized activities that interfere with the exercise of people’s constitutional rights. The forces of bigotry, hatred, and violent extremism must be stopped for the sake of our democracy.” Ed Markey, one of the Democrat cosponsors in a joint statement with Jamie Raskin

A “serious threat to Democracy” is this bill, which seeks to take away the personal rights of ordinary citizens. It’s only one of Democrat-planned steps to destroy the Second Amendment. HR 6981 plays fast and loose with the term “paramilitary.” The result?

“Raskin’s legislation is an unconstitutional nightmare. The bill clearly violates the First and Second Amendments and would have a chilling effect on any organized firearm training. The normal banter about the Biden-Harris administration that almost always occurs during breaks in training classes would have to stop, lest it be misconstrued as a threat. Team training would have to end. Instructors, especially the tactical ones, would have to understand they are only one over-zealous prosecutor away from losing everything. This is all by design, of course. It’s exactly what Raskin and his ilk wanted when they sponsored this abomination of a bill.” Lee Williams, Second Amendment Foundation Investigations



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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