
How Would Rav Meir Kahane, of Blessed Memory, A Hero Among Heroes – In The Aftermath of 10/7 – Counsel the Jewish People?

There are certain unspoken blessings in life – aside from good health, the privilege of enjoying the loving embrace of one’s immediate and extended family – which leave an indelible mark on one’s heart, mind and consciousness.
In this respect, it was a distinct honor to intersect with Rav Meir Kahane,of blessed memory, over many years. As such, it is impossible not to go back in time and posit: What would have been this leading and iconic Jewish warrior’s immediate reaction to the barbarism of Mohammadans on 10/7?, in turn, his sage thoughts and advice on the marking of its year-long aftermath, 10/7/24?
First things first. Some backgrounder is in order, that is, as per our connection.
Having grown up in NYC, it never escaped these eyes and ears that whenever the crap hit the fan – nationally or internationally – being Jewish was not a plus.
In fact, when Rav Meir Kahane, of blessed memory, formed the Jewish Defense League (in 1968), this writer was merely a young kid, but with more than enough moxy to spare. Fascinated at the sight of throngs of Jews marching through the streets of NYC with loudspeakers, huge placards, and raised fists in the air, well, what a refreshing sight! Empowering.
As a student at a Zionist Hebrew Day School with a sterling academic reputation, the Holocaust was a core part of the curriculum – nothing was left unsaid. Therefore, witnessing “NEVER AGAIN” signage aloft and unintimidated, a mere 2 decades after 6 million Jewish souls were exterminated, was a most hopeful message during said turbulent times….yes, the anti-western, Jew-hating terrorist groups, The Weatherman and the Black Panthers were rampaging and on the march.
As time progressed, in young adulthood, a friendship was formed between this writer and the Rav’s personal attorney; his most trusted advisor, too. This meant that access to the Rav was assured, as requested, when in NYC.
In fact, “The Opening of Jihad on US Soil” (November 2005, Israel National News) was an outgrowth of this relationship and (unlimited) access thereof.
As excerpted:
The logical conclusion that Rabbi Kahane’s supporters drew from his murder was crystal clear. Strangely, it coincided with the assessment of the Islamic jihad: if they can eliminate a problematic “radical” rabbi on US soil and get away with it, then the hitherto invincible and impenetrable US would become open for their jihad…..
Atop of all that, it was this writer’s beloved brother, Mordecai (a/k/a Morty) Dzikansky, of blessed memory, NYPD Homicide Detective, First Grade, who was tasked by the Police Commissioner to track down the Rav’s assassin(s) – at the Marriott Midtown Hotel, 1990, and with every resource at his disposal.
For the historical record, “The Orthodox Jewish Cop Who Was NYPD’s Undercover Detective in Israel” (December 2021, Israel National News),
As excerpted:
Mordecai Dzikansky, one of NY’s Finest’s finest, is dubbed ‘the terrorist cop’. He searched for Kahane’s killer, liasoned with Israel….

In 1993, after a rash of synagogue burglaries in the Metropolitan area, Detective Dzikansky was selected as lead investigator of the then newly formed specialized Torah Task Force. The task force affected numerous arrests and successfully recovered many of the sacred Torah scrolls.

In addition, Detective Dzikansky was selected to work on terror related investigations, including the murders of MK Meir Kahane and Ari Halberstam (Brooklyn Bridge murder)…..
Suffice to state: The Rav’s assassin’s were rounded up, interrogated to the max, and, as is said, “spilled the beans.”
Back to the two-tier query: What would have been this leading and iconic Jewish warrior’s immediate reaction to the barbarism via Mohammedans on 10/7?, in turn, his sage thoughts and advice on the marking of its aftermath, 10/7/24?
As to the first; the day which is forever marked in infamy and in Jewish history:
The Rav would not have been surprised at all. In fact, had it not taken place, that would have been the shocker!
In a nutshell, his clarion call for worldwide Jewry was crystal clear, straightforward and never wavered: An upright, proud Jew who bows before no one but the G-d of Israel + Barzel (iron-fisted courage, strength, and the like!) will lead to victory over the enemies of the Jewish people. Conversely, Israel’s leftist-driven, appeasing, so-called security leaders left “the barn doors wide open”, thus, “stampeding Mohammadans entered her gates.”
For, in reality, when courageous IDF look-outs and scouts on the southern border queried the Southern Command re Jihadi formations ready to burst through the gates, well, this was (part of) their response:The southern community leaders contacted the IDF and asked if, in light of these threats, the planned festivals and holiday events should be held.
Military sources responded that the events should take place, explaining, “Everything is fine. On the contrary – we are headed towards the area becoming quieter. Money is flowing into Gaza and workers are coming into Israel.”
Again, clear as a bell.
As per the second part of the so-called channeling of the Rav:
Dear Jews, dare NOT despair! Israeli forces are lions and have proven themselves to be worthy of attaining victory through Barzel!
Most significantly, ask yourselves: Is it any wonder that Israeli leftists/appeasers tarred and feathered him with the epitaph: radical? In turn, the aforementioned lent a “kosher” stamp of approval to boot him out of the Knesset, thus, they set the stage for American and globalist leaders to incite to his assassination!
Moreover, as an ardent admirer and follower of the blessed Rav, it is urgently recommended to absorb a few of his inspirational books – sans any poppycock.
Conclusively, in tandem with following the above righteous Jewish principles, this writer is reminded of a famous quote from one of America’s legends; a hard-charging warrior of yesteryear, William Jesse McDonald, a Captain of the Texas Rangers.
As a man “who would charge hell with a bucket of water”, it was engraved on his tombstone: “No man in the wrong can stand against a fellow that’s in the right and keeps on a-comin’.”

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