Trump Derangement Syndrome – TDS among friends – has caused greater mental and even physical damage to American youth than any other malady of the last seven years, COVID included.
To spite former President Donald Trump, Democrats have allowed fentanyl to flow across our borders, crime to run rampant in our streets and physicians to mutilate our children.
TDS had its greatest effect on children’s lives by triggering school closures in the academic year 2020-2021. As an insider’s guide to the way TDS affected schools, there is probably no better source than Jennifer Sey’s eminently readable new book, “Levi’s Unbuttoned: The Woke Mob Took My Job But Gave Me My Voice.”
An executive at Levi’s San Francisco headquarters, Sey was the heir apparent to the company’s top job until she started speaking out about the closure of San Francisco’s public schools. The subject held great interest for her given the fact that two of her children attended those schools.
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Although Sey dwelled comfortably within Levi’s woke culture for years, her stay-at-home husband, Daniel Kotzin, openly challenged COVID orthodoxy from the beginning and began to pierce Levi’s information bubble.
“I am not a COVID denier,” Kotzin posted on his Twitter account. “I am a lockdown denier. I deny the right of the government to lock down healthy people. I deny curfews, and travel bans, and business closures. I deny shuttered churches. I deny dying alone. I deny cruelty to children. I deny forced family separation.”
Impressed by Kotzin’s research, Sey began to go public in a restrained, parochial way, sticking almost exclusively to the state of San Francisco public schools.
Sey’s restraint did not impress her colleagues. When she asked why public schools had to stay closed when private schools were open, one responded, “Why Jen. What’s the difference? There’s an election coming. Do you want Trump to win?” As Sey observes, “It was always about Trump, never about the children.”
Sey’s progressive father had no more tolerance for Kotzin’s thinking than did her colleagues. “The absolute stench of moral absence stinks in your selfish poorly reasoned bull–it reasoning,” he posted publicly on Facebook. “Science illiterates. Just keep operating on your Trumpian hunches.”
Writes Sey, “Again the Trump obsession. That seemed to be the ultimate insult.” She adds, “Every word President Trump uttered, or tweeted, was seen as authoritarian, tyrannical, and racist.”
After one discussion about Sey’s public response to school closures, the company CEO Chip Bergh told her, “You’re acting like Trump.” Her colleagues began to refer to her as a “Trumper” for the simple reason his views on school closures aligned with hers.
In July 2020, Trump tweeted, “SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL.” For Sey, knowing woke logic as well as she did, this was bad news. “When President Trump insisted on getting schools open, they rejected it. Why? Because he’s Trump. Not because of any new data,” she writes.
Trump spoke at a press conference with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos that same month. “Every district should be actively making preparations to open,” said Trump. “This is about something very, very important. This is not about politics.”
As Sey anticipated, press coverage was predictably negative. CNN headlined its article, “Always polarizing on schools, Betsy DeVos brushes off coronavirus risks for schools.”
In a November 2021 op-ed in Newsweek, now recirculating because co-author Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has been allowed back on Twitter, he and Dr. Martin Kulldorff showed just how TDS-corrupted media coverage of COVID was.
Kulldorff, a Swede, was a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Bhattacharya, who has an M.D. degree and a Ph.D. in economics, is a professor of healthy policy at Stanford.
“Schools are major transmission points for influenza, but not for COVID,” the authors wrote. “While children do get infected, their risk for COVID death is minuscule, lower than their already low risk of dying from the flu.”
By the summer of 2020, when Trump was urging the reopening of schools, this information was known by anyone who cared to know. As Kulldorff and Bhattacharya pointed out, during the first wave of COVID in spring 2020, Sweden kept its day care and its schools open for all of its nearly 2 million children, ages 1 to 15.
There were no masks, no testing no social distancing. “The result?” wrote the authors. “Zero COVID deaths among children and a COVID risk to teachers lower than the average of other professions.”
True to form, Google has flagged this article with the disclaimer, “It looks like the results below are changing quickly,” adding, “Check the source.”
Like Sey’s colleagues and the whole woke establishment, Google execs will never recover from their TDS. “If he said it, it was wrong,” writes Sey of Trump. “Not only was it wrong, it was evil and had to be stopped – by any means possible. Even child sacrifice.”
Child sacrifice is exactly what happened. To prove Trump wrong and prevent him from winning the 2020 election, progressives sacrificed the mental health and academic future of millions of school children. How many children they actually killed remains to be seen.
To learn more, see www.cashill.com.
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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.
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