Yesterday, it was the Politico/Morning Consult poll showing rising concerns over Joe Biden’s ability to function as president, and today there is a new Quinnipiac University nationwide survey revealing the lowest level of public support since the Delaware Democrat took office less than ten months ago.
It’s beginning to look like Biden is responding to concerns about his plummeting numbers as a challenge to find out just how low he can go before hitting the bottom.
According to Fox News, “Biden’s approval edged down a point and his disapproval trickled up a point from Quinnipiac’s October survey.”
The survey shows Biden with a “negative 36-53 job approval rating,” which squares with the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking poll showing Biden with a 41 percent approval rating among likely voters but a 59 percent disapproval. Of that split, only 20 percent “strongly approve” of his job performance while 49 percent “strongly disapprove,” leaving Biden more than 2-to-1 in the doghouse with likely voters.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
This will come back to hunt Democrats next year in the midterm elections, and could easily result in Biden spending the final two years of his term as a lame duck.
Quinnipiac offered a breakdown of the numbers along party lines. “Republicans disapprove 94 – 4 percent, Democrats approve 87 – 7 percent, and independents disapprove 56 – 29 percent with 16 percent not offering an opinion,” the university said.
According to the Quinnipiac survey here is the bad news for Biden:
- The response to the coronavirus: 45 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;
- Climate change: 41 percent approve, while 48 percent disapprove;
- The economy: 34 percent approve, while 59 percent disapprove;
- Foreign policy: 33 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove.
- When it comes to Biden’s personal traits, Americans were asked whether or not Biden…
- Cares about average Americans: 47 percent say yes, while 47 percent say no;
- Is honest: 42 percent say yes, while 51 percent say no;
- Has good leadership skills: 37 percent say yes, while 57 percent say no
It’s the sort of thing that ruins a presidency, and Biden still has more than three years to go. Biden’s policies have returned the nation’s energy dependence upon foreign producers, driving fuel prices up dramatically. With that has come inflation across the board for groceries and other goods shipped by truck from the manufacturer to the retail shelf.
The survey contacted 1,376 adults nationwide. It has an overall sampling error of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points.
Half of U.S. voters think Biden not in good health, not mentally fit
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