
House Speaker Mike Johnson: Biden Should Be REMOVED As President

(Natural News) The United States is in a “very dangerous situation,” according to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who wants Joe Biden to be removed from the White House.

It was clear during his debate with Donald Trump that Biden is “not up to the task,” Johnson added about the 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief who quite frankly looks frail and confused just about every time he appears.

Especially when Biden has to speak, it becomes painfully obvious just how unqualified he is for the White House. He would seem to better belong in a nursing home rather than the highest public office in the land.

Media reports claim Democrats are “panicking” after Biden’s dismal performance at the debate. Some of the Democrat Party’s top donors are so concerned that they are now demanding Biden be removed from the ballot.

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“I would be panicking too if I were a Democrat today and that was my nominee,” Johnson told reporters following the debate. “I think they know they have a serious problem.”

Johnson does not just want Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race, though. He wants Biden immediately removed from office.

“It’s not just political. It’s not just the Democratic Party. It’s the entire country,” Johnson said. “We have a serious problem here, because we have a president who, by all appearances, is not up to the task.

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Biden’s controllers and puppet masters could easily force him to step down by invoking the 25th Amendment, which allows for the vice president and cabinet members to vote on declaring the president “unable to discharge the powers and the duties of his office.”

Should the 25th Amendment be invoked, Kamala Harris would immediately become the new head of state. If Biden refuses to comply, Congress would then make a final decision on the matter.

“There are a lot of people asking about the 25th Amendment, invoking the 25th Amendment right now because this is an alarming situation,” Johnson said about the situation.

“Our adversaries see the weakness in this White House as we all do,” he added about Biden’s poor and declining mental state. “I take no pleasure in saying that.”

“I think this is a very dangerous situation … And it needs to be regarded and handled as such. And we hope that they will do their duty, as we all seek to do our duty to do best for the American people. I would ask the cabinet members to search their hearts.”

A new Morning Consult poll published by Axios shows that at least 60 percent of American voters believe Biden should “definitely” or “probably” be replaced as the Democrat presidential nominee.

“Stolen elections have consequences,” one commenter wrote.

“This is the only graceful exit the Democrats have at this time,” wrote another about invoking the 25th Amendment. “The last time a president was this incapacitated was Woodrow Wilson. It’s time to use it.”

Another wrote that while we’re at it, RINO (Republican in name only) House Speaker Mike Johnson also needs to be removed and replaced.

“We all know what Biden is, but a RINO like Mike Johnson is a loose cannon for the GOP. He will turn on the people and his party like the snake that he is.”

Concerning Biden, another wrote that wife “Dr. Jill” is also leading him around “like a toddler.”

“She even speaks to him like one.”

More related news coverage of the 2024 U.S. election circus can be found at Rigged.news.

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