
House Democrats’ Muslim IT Scandal Ignored, CSP Responds

House Democrats’ Muslim IT Scandal Ignored, CSP RespondsRevelations of a major Democratic IT security hacking scandal has Frank Gaffney, Jr., Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy wondering why the mainstream media has yet to pick up on this developing scandal.

While Democrats are going after President Trump in trying to destroy his presidency, the scandal is so huge that national security is at stake and may shed light on some of the leaks coming out about various aspects of the Trump administration.

Gaffney, Jr. said:

Imagine a small group of white supremacist computer geeks were discovered to be stealing government property from dozens of Republican congressional offices for whom they provided information technology services. They are also suspected of stealing legislators’ emails and other House communications – possibly including traffic involving the most sensitive national security-related committees on which some of their employers served.

Think this story would be basically ignored by the mainstream media?

Well, that is exactly what is happening to an actual scandal with all these features – only the congressmen are all Democrats and the IT contractors are all Muslims, originally from Pakistan.

And with the notable exception of the Daily Caller and a few other, online publications, all we’ve heard from the press has been crickets.

This travesty demands a rigorous damage-assessment, an overhauled counter-intelligence capability and a truly free press.

The Democratic IT security hacking scandal Gaffney, Jr. speaks of, concerns news that investigators, including Capitol Police, have been looking into whether classified or other sensitive information has been hacked by former information technology, or IT, staffers employed by Democrats in Congress.

Garth Kant of WND reported that a source has confirmed to WND that the problem is so big; it is being handled as a criminal matter. And the source says suspects will likely receive prison sentences.

Kant further reported:

A House committee that deals with security-related issues is cooperating with Capitol Police in their investigation, according to the source.

Politico initially reported two weeks ago that five House employees were under investigation for possible equipment theft and unauthorized access of House IT systems.

The fact that Capitol Police have acknowledged there is an investigation, but the HPSCI is confident its computer system was not compromised, suggests investigators may be looking into whether classified or sensitive material may have been illegally accessed on the individual computer systems of the Democratic lawmakers on the committee who employed the Awan brothers.

The three Democratic lawmakers who employed the Awan brothers and who are on the HPSCI include:

  • Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind.
  • Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif.
  • Rep. Joaquín Castro, D-Texas

Carson is the ranking member on HPSCI’s Emerging Threats subcommittee and also serves on the Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Architecture subcommittee.

He is also a Muslim who has what the Center for Security Policy calls “extensive and longstanding ties to organizations and individuals associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.”

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Fmr. Sgt, USAF Intelligence, NSA/DOD; Studied Cryptology at Community College of the Air Force

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