In the land of Hollywood (or more appropriately Hollyweird) fact and fiction are often blended into a word salad that is unpalatable or defies understanding. That begs the question, “Why does anyone pay any attention to comments made by Hollywood types about world events, politics, or any other subject?
Actors make a living by speaking words that other people have written; directors earn their paychecks by directing the
words and actions of actors and producers provide the finances to pay for it all.
All of them operate in a Disneyesque world of make believe. Yet upon
achieving success in that world, many feel that because their names are well known, they are qualified to use any platform available as a pulpit.
There might be considerably less blather coming from those platforms if so many people outside of Fantasyland didn’t worship at the altar of Make Believe.
Obviously, the consensus outside of Hollywood is that intelligence and logic come along with fame. There is ample proof that it doesn’t, yet there’s usually a widespread reaction to political and world affairs statements made by those not in the know. But occasionally, speeches made by self-aggrandizing Hollywood “stars” are met with a backlash. And surprisingly, that backlash can come from other actors and directors.
In spite of the fact that viewership of the Oscars has dropped precipitously as a result of acceptance speeches that are political sermons, the practice continues unabated. The latest speech to cause a bruhaha was made by Jonathan Glazer at this year’s Oscar Awards.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Glazer stated, “Right now, we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people.”
The Reporter notes that in response to Glazer’s speech, “More than 500 Hollywood figures signed the letter overnight condemning Jonathan Glazer’s Oscars 2024 speech for his best international film win for Zone of Interest.” (No name of “the letter’s” author was included, only that it began, “We are Jewish creatives, executives and Hollywood professionals.”)
Coverage appearing in The Hollywood Reporter is to be expected; it’s
industry news. Coverage by media with a primary focus on other than the entertainment business is philosophically problematic. Obviously, editors have determined that the rantings and ravings of Hollywood types are of interest to their readers. The question is, “Why does anyone care?”
In my experience, most of the truly intelligent actors and directors are smart enough to keep their thoughts to themselves. And when they do speak out, their comments are usually focused on raising awareness about a particular situation, or on a subject that has personal significance.
Gary Sinise is a case in point. When he makes public comments, they are usually related to the Gary Sinise Foundation and its stated purpose, “We serve our nation by honoring our defenders, veterans, first responders their families and those in need.”
Sinise isn’t the only well-known actor or director to have a charitable
foundation, but interest in those organizations pales in comparison to the widespread response to even the most ludicrous knee-jerk ramblings of a Hollywood “star”. That is truly unfortunate because the cacophony of the absurd often drowns out the expression of rational, logical thought.
The din and clatter of the Hollywood unintelligentsia would be of little
consequence save for the fact that much of it becomes the sole basis for a person’s political ideology. That ideology is not based on thoughts and actions that derive from serious research and consideration; it is a response to the words of a person who views the world from an undeserved position of importance.
Yet the situation won’t change any time soon. Too many people are
mesmerized by fame and allow a celebrity’s thoughts to become their own. Ultimately, that results in self-inflicted pain. Witness the Hollywood posturing prior in 2020 and (election irregularities aside) the election of Joe Biden.
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