The Associated Press is reporting that Florida teen David Hogg, the Parkland high schooler whose anti-gun activism has made him a media celebrity, is now spearheading a campaign to register young voters in more than 1,000 schools nationwide.
These are the same young adults whom Hogg, and his gun prohibitionist supporters, does not believe are mature enough to legally purchase firearms. But they are evidently considered mature enough to vote.
Hogg’s goal, according to the report, is to “oust lawmakers who are beholden to the National Rifle Association.” But what about lawmakers beholden to the anti-Second Amendment groups such as Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, or Seattle’s Alliance for Gun Responsibility Victory Fund?
It was the latter that sent an email blast Tuesday to supporters, encouraging to support three candidates running in Washington State political races: Emily Randall, David Frockt and Adam Cornell. Randall’s Facebook page says she is a Democrat and a “gun sense candidate” for State Senate. Cornell’s Facebook page shows that he is running as a Democrat for the office of Snohomish County Prosecutor, a non-partisan office. Frockt is a Democrat state senator and supporter of the Alliance’s Initiative 1639, the gun control measure to restrict sales of modern sporting rifles to people over age 21, with a waiting period, a so-called “enhanced background check” and safe storage mandate.
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The press report about Hogg’s activities uses the term “gun reforms,” which is camo-speak for gun control. It quotes another teen, Nurah Abdulhaqq, 14, who may be a bit more honest than the report. Identified as an “advocate for gun reform since 2016,” Abdulhaqq is quoted saying this about the post-Parkland shooting environment: “It was kind of shocking to me, and the fact that this has happened time and time again in this country and nothing’s changed. There’s been no stronger gun-control laws passed.”
It’s not just the Associated Press. Veteran Seattle P-I.com columnist Joel Connelly wrote about a now-shelved video game called “Active Shooter” that depicted a school shooting. He focused on a teen “gun safety activist from Seattle’s Ingraham High School,” who was alarmed about the game.
“Gun safety” in this context is camo-speak for gun control.
He writes, “There have been 22 school shooting incidents so far in 2018,” a figure that has been disputed by local radio mid-day talk host Dori Monson at KIRO-FM. Some of these incidents are not school shootings as the public might perceive, Monson contends.
According to the AP story, Hogg and fellow students “want tighter regulations on guns, including universal background checks and training for people who own AR-15s and similar semi-automatic rifles.”
That may be “gun reform” to Hogg and those who have made him a media darling, but to millions of honest firearms enthusiasts and Second Amendment activists, it’s still gun control.