
HILARIOUS: The Speech Joe Biden Would Have Given If He Didn’t Have To Be Polite (Video)

Rough language, sure... but ask anyone who's worked for him if he isn't a cursing jerk in real life

While everyone was waiting for him to duck his head out of Rehoboth and tell us if whether we still have six more months of Joe Biden, some meme guys let their imaginations run wild.

Joe has said some pretty rough things on hot mics.

Joe’s foul mouth and hot temper have been the subject of news articles (although it’s hard to tell which stories were deliberately planted in a deliberate effort to cultivate a particular image).

Despite all of the drooling praise of how noble Joe is being as he takes one for the team by putting the good of his party ahead of his personal agenda we know he was dragged out kicking as screaming. His own staffers found out AFTER the official tweet went live. Volunteers were still door-knocking for him the same morning he dropped out of the race.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Joe Biden tried to put on a brave face and ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ his way into the DNC Convention. But no amount of ‘I’m not f*****g leaving’ could save him from the inevitable.

His campaign had been on life support after Trump kicked his head in on that debate stage… and his own party brass finally pulled the plug over the weekend.

The speech he gave last night was for public consumption… and had no bearing on the real face of how the sausage gets made in Washington DC.

While everyone else tries to make their team’s case while examining Joe’s speech last night… let’s all admit that whatever he did or said last night really didn’t matter a tinker’s damn in the light of November.

Instead, let’s give the meme guys the floor with a speech MUCH closer to what Joe would have said if he could have let his rage run wild.

Language warning… obviously.

This video was making the rounds with a few different sources.  The ‘Prison Mitch’ account on X seems to be the original.

But wait… there’s more.

Looks like @MidnightMitch has been having a LOT of fun with his  AI tools. Taking a swipe at George Clooney, who played a big role in sticking the shiv in Joe’s back for instance:

And one more, where he’s taking a swipe at the latest cultural fad ‘brat’ which is now being associated with Kamala:

See? Wasn’t this more fun than whatever meaningless blowhard speech Joe gave about saving America and fluffing his selected-not-elected successor’s pillows? Even the New York Times has admitted that of the names their in-house pundits were batting around a couple of days ago… Kamala was the LEAST likely to beat Trump. We all know what that means, right?

The media is already well underway with ‘Operation Save Kamala’s Bacon’.

Be careful out there folks, these clowns are gonna be absolutely shameless in their support of Kamala.

Try not to lose you lunch over how far these flacks are willing to take it. They’ve already started to erase her ‘Border Czar’ culpability.

Fortunately, they no longer control X the way they control other forms of communication.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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