
High School Football Team Puts NFL to Shame in Viral Video

The Sherman E. Burroughs High School football team in Ridgecrest, California does not try to emulate the players in the NFL. Rather, they are an example for the players in the NFL.  Ridgecrest is a military town and unlike the spoiled millionaires in the NFL who think it’s trendy to kneel during the playing of the anthem, the Burros, as the team is known, put on a display of their own.  They made their way onto the field while “God Bless America” boomed from the loudspeaker, each carrying an American flag as the crowd went crazy cheering on their guys.

From The Blaze

Then they stood in a line as the national anthem played. Quite a different view than knees on the turf or raised fists.

After the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” a pair of F-18s from a local squadron flew over the field, which the crowd loved as well.

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The clip has garnered over 3 million views since it was posted Friday night on Facebook.

Justin Smith, a member of the U.S. military, was among the pleased commenters.

“Just watched this video from Iraq a few minutes ago and I couldn’t be more proud of y’all,” Smith wrote. “Great job boys, way to stand up for your country and show your appreciation for being an American. It makes it a lot easier for us overseas knowing we have support from guys like you. Shoutout to your head coach and coaching staff as well. I tip my cap to the parents, family and friends of these players. Makes me proud to call Ridgecrest home. Way to go guys.“

Burroughs defeated Oak Hills, 20-17.

Of course, these kids have an advantage over their NFL counterparts.  They get to see the heroes of the military up close and personal every day of their lives.  Their example and guidance shapes the young men and young women of the town and instills in them a sense of pride in their country and reverence to the flag they serve.

They do not take for granted how these heroes fight and die so that we can all enjoy the freedom this country provides.  It’s hard not to be patriotic when you are in the presence of greatness, something the NFL players will never know.

In an unrelated topic:

I’d like to take a moment to tell you about my son.  My son has been in and out of Trident Medical Center and Summerville Medical for kidney and heart disease.  I took him in to Summerville on Oct 16th and while there he suffered a mini heart attack.  Then on Friday Oct 20th his heart stopped and it took them 12 minutes to get it restarted.  Since then he has been kept unconscious with sedatives to give him a chance to recover.  After leaving the hospital, he will need to go to a physical rehab center where he can get 24 hour care.  Once he is allowed to come home, he will need to have a nurse come in.

He had to quit working 4 months ago and I am told he will never be able to work again because his heart is too weak.  I am on disability and have no extra money to help him out with.  I can cover the household bills but no more than that.

He can’t get Medicaid without first getting SSI disability and that takes up to two years in South Carolina.

The money raised will go to expenses he incurs and for medicine and any equipment he might need.

Please check out this GoFundMe page


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Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad
Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad – Source: Author (used with permission)

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