
Hawaii Resident: Biden A ‘Vile Human Being’ For Joking About Corvette When ‘There Were Children Who Were Incinerated Into Ash’ (Video)

(Natural News) Democrat President Joe Biden has provoked a severe backlash from Hawaii’s residents after he cracked jokes and talked about himself while visiting Maui on Monday.

(Article by David Hawkins republished from SlayNews.com)

Biden did not get a warm welcome when he visited Hawaii to look at the damage from the Maui wildfires.

At least 114 people died but the true total will be many more when all the dead are counted.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Almost 1000 people are still unaccounted for, according to authorities.

Biden gave a speech during his visit where he cracked jokes and told rambling stories about himself.

At one point, he compared the devastating wildfires to a small kitchen fire in his house several years ago.

He then joked that he almost lost his Corvette in the minor fire.

That did not sit well with many residents, however.

Many Hawaiians were outraged by Biden’s flippant attitude toward the disaster.

“Hearing Biden talk about his house that had a little fire,” one local resident said after the speech.

“You almost lost your cat and your Corvette?

“There were children who were incinerated into ash!

“You f–king old man. You vile human being.”


Biden had already stirred up a backlash before he arrived after failing to comment on the fires because he was on vacation.

He was met with angry protesters who waved middle fingers, shouted insults, and held signs that said “no comment” at his motorcade.

“Go home Joe!” they yelled.

Others held up signs that read:


“REALLY $7.”



“Where has the president been?“ said Dennis Mullen.


Read more at: SlayNews.com


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