
Have Terrorism and Tyranny Become the New Normal?

Have we fallen into acceptance of evil?

One upon a time, America stood up to tyranny and won – from the English King to the Barbary pirates, her bravery began in legendary fashion.  Once upon a time, this nation fought against evil with every ounce of strength in her…and won against it. That is no longer the case.  Can we ever get back to our roots or are we destined now to believe terrorism and tyranny are the new normal?

If tyranny and terrorism are not eradicated, they become the new normal. It means acceptance of evil.

Example from Israel:

The peace agreement with the PLO took Israel from a place where occasional terrorist attacks happened to a place where they occurred all the time. And when conservative governments isolated them to end the wave of urban bombings, rocket attacks became normal. And when Israel began to neutralize those, the terrorists broke through for an unprecedented massacre.

At each previous juncture, the horror became the new normal. First it was suicide bombs on buses, body parts scraped off the sidewalks outside pizza stores, and strollers full of broken glass. Parents made sure that their children had cell phones so they could immediately check if they were all right after each terrorist attack. Then residents of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv came to accept running to bomb shelters as the new normal. What will the new normal be now? Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag

I had a Jewish friend who lived in Jerusalem. Her mother was a Holocaust survivor. She always referred to Americans as “weak” because we did nothing to protect ourselves from terrorism. She said we had no concept of what it was like to worry about terrorist bombs on buses or have to erect bomb shelters on every corner. That was in 1995. My friend died in 1998. We got hit in 2001 by Islamic terrorists at the twin towers in New York. And yet we are still allowing passivity to be the new normal.

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Now, 2023, what is the new normal in America?

As thousands, millions of illegals stream into the United States, the overwhelming knowledge that there are terrorists likely among them makes people angry but does nothing to stop it. Everyone is tired, they think differently than the days immediately after 9-11, and just want to be “nice” to their fellow men. They want everyone to be rational, reasonable, normal. It is a false belief.

When America began bringing in anyone from everywhere, we put in place a scenario that will cause us to be victims. It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of when.

Tyranny is also part of the new normal in America. IF you don’t believe that, just witness the egregious “rules” and “Executive orders” put in place by Biden and his administration designed to destroy our energy and other industries. Look at the pressure he has put on Israel to compromise after being attacked with the worst evil since the Holocaust. Co-existence with those who hate us is not only impossible, but also deadly. Co-existence with radicals who wish us all harm is also deadly.

Tyranny from the Covid lockdowns and ” rules” is going to get worse. It has become the new normal as the World Health Organization has put in place edicts that are meant to control the populace during the next pandemic (Trump got us out of that organization, Biden put us back in). People are walking blindly into actions that they think are “reasonable.” China is currently in the midst of breakouts of pneumonia in children. It is spreading. Will people freakout or act rationally? They didn’t act rationally before – you know that when random people went berserk over someone not wearing a mask or refusing to take the killer Covid shots.

You know that rational, logical thoughts are out the window when over a thousand people were arrested over a protest that went awry after infiltrators from the FBI inflamed a riot in the Capitol. Even Conservative Black actor Siaka Massaquoi was charged with crimes three years after his home was raided when he did nothing but attend the protest. And remember that liberals claim that Conservatives and Christians are the “greatest threat” to America. Protest is not acceptable for Conservatives – it is only acceptable for the radical left and terrorist sympathizers.

Will we accept this unrelenting hatred as the new normal? The Republicans in Congress are “conducting investigations into “weaponization” of Federal law enforcement and “impeachment” of Biden and his officials. But as long as the House and Senate are run by those who simply accept the dangers and do nothing to stop them, all of those actions are in vain. 2024 may be far worse than we think – will we accept this new normal or fight against it?



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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