During the 2008 presidential election cycle, the majority of American voters decided the election of the first black president, besides being a historic event, would help heal the racial divide that liberals claim is a blot on the country’s character. However, a large percentage of voters believe President Barack Obama actually widened the country’s racial division, especially the use of anti-police rhetoric coming from the White House, administration officials and the Attorney General at that time, Eric Holder, according to a poll released recently.
A major part of the current “war on cops” is considered to be prima facie evidence of a serious increase in racial division during the Obama administration. The growing tension between police departments and the black Americans they serve is blamed on the White House, politicians seeking re-election, and idealists posing as unbiased journalists, especially those in the nation’s inner cities.
During her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton has often made reference to police officers mistreating blacks and Latinos. In the midst of an appearance on the campus of Columbia University, Clinton said that the U.S. justice system needs an overhaul. “There is something profoundly wrong when African-American men are still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes, and sentenced to longer prison terms than are meted out to their white counterparts. There is something wrong when a third of all black men face the prospect of prison during their lifetimes,” Clinton said.
As a result of the recent shootings, ambushes and out-and-out assassination of police officers, the latest occurring in Texas and Nevada, 58% of voters said in a Rasmussen Reports poll that they believe there is indeed a war on police in America today. Some respondents criticized President Obama for his televised comments about the police following incidents only involving white police officers and black suspects.
“From the time a black child learns to read, write and comprehend English, he or she is bombarded with news stories, motion pictures, magazine articles and novels telling them white people hate them or want to take away their freedoms or are keeping them down on the lower rungs of socio-economic ladder. Hell, I’d hate white people if I was constantly being told they want me poor or worse — dead,” said former police officer Iris Aquino. “And the angry blacks know they can’t get their hands on this nation’s most powerful and wealthy, so they attack a symbol of American government: the police,” she added.
As far as overall race relations, only 20% of likely voters believe President Obama has succeeded in bringing the races closer together, according to the Rasmussen Reports survey. Forty-seven percent (47%) say they believe President Obama — who is mixed-race — has caused greater division between different races. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say his words and actions have had no major impact either way.
Surprisingly, a higher number of blacks and minorities believe Obama succeeded in bringing unity. Forty-four percent (44%) of African Americans polled said they feel
the president has brought all Americans closer together. But a meager 16% of whites and 21% of other minority voters (Hispanics, Asians) agree. Most whites (54%) believe Obama has driven the races further apart, a view shared by only 21% of blacks and 38% of other minority voters.
the president has brought all Americans closer together. But a meager 16% of whites and 21% of other minority voters (Hispanics, Asians) agree. Most whites (54%) believe Obama has driven the races further apart, a view shared by only 21% of blacks and 38% of other minority voters.
“Women give Obama more credit than men do for bringing Americans of different races together, but both are equally likely to see him more as a racial divider. The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to think the president has driven us further apart racially,” said Rasmussen pollsters in a statement. “This past January, just 17% of all Americans rated race relations in this country as good or excellent, down by half from 34% the year before. Only eight percent (8%) of voters think race relations have gotten better since Obama’s election in 2008, and unlike many questions dealing with race, blacks and whites don’t disagree much on this one,” the officials added..
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