
Hate is the Currency of the Left

Hate = Fear

Hate has become the currency of the left. That’s not to say that those on the right don’t sometimes use the same currency, but that’s more the result of individual personalities, not group think. And the hate from the wingnuts on the left is paid out in amounts that approach the national debt. That depth of hate can be the result of only one emotion – fear. Leftists seem unable to comprehend the failure of their currency of hate to purchase any form of consideration from those with whom they disagree. Their fear of other viewpoints causes them to perceive those viewpoints as attacks; for the left, fear is absent only when everyone marches in lockstep.

screenshot via Maxg.com

With fear in control, participation in reasonable discussion is impossible. And being unable to consider ideas other than their own, the left’s weapons of choice are censorship, ridicule and verbal and/or physical attacks.

This situation is analogous to a children’s playground fight. Discussion is impossible when emotions are in charge, so disputes take the form of name-calling, false accusations and possibly a physical confrontation. The entire emotional confrontation is fueled by fear of losing an argument, and possibly the object about which the dispute arose.

Two recent attempts to assassinate Donald Trump demonstrate that for some on the left, wearing a “F**k Trump” pendant doesn’t express their hatred strongly enough. Although the pendant wearer and the aspiring assassins chose to express their hatred in different ways, the source of that hatred is the same- the fear that arose from the belief that the utopia they imagine will result from leftist policies is under threat of destruction.

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That utopia is vital to their lives because of their false belief that in it, all the problems in the lives will be resolved. Believers in the utopia of the left are clearly unhappy and blame their failings, their unhappiness and whatever other ills they’re suffering on someone else. Consequently, they yearn for a world in which anyone with a different opinion is censored, (think suppression of social media posts) where government compensates them for bad decisions, (think the cornucopia of government giveaway programs and student loan forgiveness) and where people are hired based on their race rather than their qualifications (think DEI).

That utopian landscape is in direct opposition to the conservative view of the world and is illustrative of the grand chasm that currently exists between conservative and liberal political philosophies. That chasm was once small enough to be easily crossed. There was once a time when northern Democrats lamented, “Republicans and Southern Democrats” because the latter often voted along with the former. In those days, Republicans and Democrats were often in favor of similar policies, and although their method of achieving them differed, compromise and agreement were possible.

But as the division between parties widened, except for rare occasions, compromise has become impossible to achieve and is rarely sought. Instead, the goal of legislative action is to flex political muscle and seek unrestricted power. Witness the Democrat initiative to pack the Supreme Court and impose term limits. If the current court had a liberal, rather than a conservative majority, neither increasing the number of justices nor limiting their terms would be on the Democrat agenda. In the same vein, if Washington, DC were a conservative rather than a liberal stronghold, there would be no attempt to make it the 51st state.

The core issue isn’t that Republicans and Democrats have widely different beliefs in the way the country should be governed, but the Democrat fear that that Republicans will be successful in stopping their power play. That fear is being played out through continuous attacks that start with party leadership and the mainstream media (is there a difference?) and filter down to the average liberal on the street. Although many of the left’s statements don’t express hate, they appear designed to create the fear that incites hate.

The barrage of attacks from the left was kick-started by Hillary Clinton’s labeling of Trump supporters as, “a basket of deplorables. Years later, Chuck Schumer upped the ante with his threat, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

There is also Joe Biden claiming, “Let there be no question: Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy.”  (https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/28/politics/joe-biden-democracy-speech-arizona/index.html) While not a direct threat, it is a claim designed to inspire hate, based on word manipulation.

The United States of America is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a significant difference. In a democracy, the majority wins. Period. If Democrats control the presidency, the senate, the house and the Supreme Court, this country will become a democracy, and constitutional rights will be under threat; John Kerry and Hillary Clinton have both already spoken in favor of limiting First Amendment rights.

Donald Trump is unquestionably a ‘threat to democracy,’ but he is a staunch defender of our constitutional republic. Democrat statements about the Trump threat to democracy resonate only with people who don’t or won’t, understand the difference. They are nothing more than efforts to use fear to fuel hate.


Cross posted with Substack


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