
Harris Spokesman Says There’s No Time To Talk About Her Far-Left White House Record (Video)

For weeks after the Democrat Party’s elites picked Kamala Harris to replace the aging and ailing Joe Biden at the top of their 2024 ticket, she wouldn’t sit down for interviews.

Or, really, answer questions of any kind, when her policies and plans would seem to be important to voters.

Even now, after sitting down with CNN for an interview with her VP pick, Tim Walz, and revealing almost nothing, her agenda of being silent and letting voters wonder appears not to have changed.

Now that agenda has been confirmed by a campaign official.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

According to a report at the Gateway Pundit, campaign spokesman Ian Sams was on CNN and talked about … not talking.

”This gives away their whole game. Democrats and the Harris people want voters to forget the fact that Harris has been part of the Biden administration and is directly responsible for what has transpired over the last three and a half years,” the Gateway Pundit report said. “That’s why they keep pushing the whole ‘new way forward’ nonsense. It’s a feeble attempt to erase recent history so that Harris isn’t held accountable by voters.”

The report cited a transcript of Hunt’s comments from Real Clear Politics, which revealed when asked about Harris being an integral part of the Biden administration, and being linked to all of its problems, Sams said, “Well, I think, again, we’re trying to talk to the voters and explain this message. We’ve got 60 days until the election. You know, we don’t have time to sit around and think about why, over the last few years, certain things may have happened or may not have happened.”

He established the goal for Harris: “We’ve got to go win an election. And the vice president’s doing that by talking about her economic vision.”

The Biden-Harris administration has, in fact, allowed 20% inflation to hit consumers, has made a priority of pushing for leftist ideologies like abortion and transgenderism, has allowed the U.S. military to decline, has refused to pursue Biden’s claim, when elected, that he would bring Americans together and instead has pursued a long list of divisive agenda points.

Harris has revealed a beginning to her economic plan: price controls to address what she called “price gouging,” a scheme often used by repressive governments to make their economies look better than they are.

The Gateway Pundit said Harris clearly wants to “try to run out the clock without answering for the last few years. It’s so obvious.”

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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