
Gun control failures East and West should offer lessons

Sings like this don’t deter criminals or crazy people. Tey just have a risk-free environment in which to harm their victims.

When a truck crashed through the door of a Costco warehouse store in Issaquah, Washington and shots were fired, it became an irony of monumental proportions because that huge chain has a no-guns policy, which landed them on the “Don’t Feed the Gun Prohibitionists” list launched recently by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

The robbery apparently was a jewelry heist, and it happened a few hours before the store actually opened for business.

In New York City, where it is difficult to get a carry permit, robberies are up 286 percent in the city’s 19th Precinct, according to Fox News. This year there have been 14 gunpoint robberies in that precinct, which covers the Upper East Side, an upscale part of the city, considering who reportedly lives there.

In a separate report, Fox News said there are some 2.5 million new gun owners this year, compelled to buy a firearm by the COVID-19 panic and the urban unrest and rioting in the wake of the George Floyd protests that spread across the country.

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Seattle’s KOMO News reported a sharp rise in murders in many American cities this year, while other types of crime have declined. The report says criminologists have no easy explanations for the spike.

The story referred to a Wall Street Journal report noting that homicide rates “are up by double digits in 36 of the nation’s 50 largest cities. The average increase is 24 percent.

There are lessons to be learned from this, but it does not appear the establishment media and particularly not Democrats and their far left leadership want to acknowledge it.

CCRKBA’s list of anti-gun businesses and CEOs includes about 200 names, and according to Chairman Alan Gottlieb, there is “room to grow.”

It’s an education effort, rather than a boycott. People will have the opportunity to spend their money with businesses that don’t discriminate against legally-armed customers.
This is going to theoretically, at least, hit businesses where they will notice it the most: at the bottom line.

Meanwhile, gun buying is on the rise in cities where violence is up, and in places where there are moves to defund and either reduce or disband police departments. When the Seattle City Council started talking about this several days ago, the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild went online with a petition to defend, not defund, the department. In less than a week, more than 150,000 people signed that online petition.

While a conclusion about this phenomenon would be unscientific, it would be a safe presumption that the general public supports police, despite the fact that some vocal members of the city council and their far left followers want cops gone.

If police disappear, watch more private citizens arm themselves. The same people who don’t want police are those who dislike private gun ownership. They cannot have it both ways. Perhaps that’s the most important lesson to be learned.


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