
Gretchen Whitmer: Protests Against Lockdowns Fueled By ‘Racism’ (Video)

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer says recent protests against stay-at-home orders amidst the coronavirus crisis have been fueled by racism.

In an appearance on CNN, the Democrat railed against gun-toting protesters who demonstrated inside the state Capitol last week.

Whitmer stated that the protests included “Confederate Flags, and nooses,” as well as swastikas.

“Some of the outrageousness of what happened at our capitol depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country,” she claimed.

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A Bit of a Stretch

Whitmer noted that the ‘racist’ people represented a small portion of those who demonstrated at the Capitol building and that the protest was mostly peaceful.

In reality, it was completely peaceful, as there have been no reports of any incidents from the event.

It’s truly perplexing to hear Whitmer, who is so white the letters of her last name contain the word, cry racism over protests directed at her.

Confederate flags? Likely, but they can be found anywhere in America and certainly don’t represent “the worst” racism.

Swastikas? Reprehensible comparison in any scenario, but not an indication of support for white supremacy but rather, disdain for Whitmer’s overreaching decrees.

The main point of contention seems to be that these protesters were armed.


Within Their Rights

Michigan currently has no rules prohibiting firearms or requiring visitors to pass through metal detectors, meaning the protesters were well within their legal rights to carry firearms to protest what they believe is an increasingly oppressive government.

“An awful lot of states have put restrictions on how people can get into their capitols and what they can bring in with them,” retired publisher John Lindstrom told Bridge Magazine. “But Michigan is one of the few that is basically still a wide-open building.”

Not to mention that whole Second Amendment thing, specifically designed to fend off a tyrannical government.

While Whitmer was painting the protesters – many of whom are struggling financially because of their governor’s unconstitutional power grabs – with a broad brush of racism, President Trump was suggesting she compromise with them.

“The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire,” Trump tweeted on Friday. “These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.”

Power-hungry Democrats have no interest in compromise. They are focused solely on extending economic hardship as long as possible, either to obtain federal assistance, increase their government overreach, or prolong an already terrible situation to affect the 2020 election.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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