
GOP Report: Biden Committed “Impeachable Offenses”

292 pages - did Joe Biden abuse his office of public trust?

Now that Joe Biden is no longer in contention for the Presidency, the House Republicans released a 292 page report that stated he committed “Impeachable offenses.” The report alleges that he willfully engaged in an abuse of his office by enriching his family who worked to sell “the Biden Brand.” But the report stopped short of recommending that impeachment proceedings begin. Which is par for the course.

Impeachable offenses

Democrats complained that ‘there’s nothing to see here’ after the report was released. Yet the bank records and testimony of witnesses clearly revealed activity that cast a dark shadow over the Biden family.

The Biden family used every money-laundering shell corporation, every method to shield Joe. Joe used every method to shield himself and his family.  All while the influence peddling continued. Access to the Vice President, and now President was the business, with money just the method of moving forward. Pay-to-play on steroids.

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“President Biden obstructed lawful Congressional inquiries and has abused his power to obstruct, unduly influence and delay federal investigations into his son, Robert Hunter Biden, hindering investigators from uncovering the facts surrounding the Biden family’s influence peddling and his involvement thereof.  President Biden has obstructed Congress’s impeachment inquiry by failing to provide relevant documents and also preventing his
Administration from turning over relevant documents.

Under the standard adopted by House Democrats in 2019—“[w]here the President illegally seeks to obstruct such an [impeachment] inquiry, the House is free to infer that evidence
blocked from its view is harmful to the President’s position.” The House may fairly conclude that the evidence is probative of President Biden’s criminal conduct.

President Biden’s failure to produce relevant documents and his obstruction of Congress “gives rise to the inference that the evidence is unfavorable to him,” that earlier drafts of his speech to the Ukrainian Rada, before his call to his son and before he called an audible, do not include claims that the Office of the General Prosecutor desperately needed reform; that the White House knew President Biden had willfully retained and had still possessed classified documents as early as May of 2021 and covered it up until after the 2022 midterm elections; that he used pseudonym emails to interact with and coordinate the activities of Biden family business associates; that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States. Such obstruction alone is a high crime and misdemeanor under the Constitution.”  [Read the whole document here] GOP report

The fact that Biden is a lame duck president with no power whatsoever, we wonder who is now directing the US. Biden went to California for a weeklong “vacation” after yelling and whining at his DNC speech (long past his bedtime) on Monday night. LATE night. His so-called Democrat “friends” became his enemies. And Kama-kama-kamala-chameleon isn’t capable of handling the country. All those “impeachable offenses” could fall to the wayside unanswered and unprosecuted.


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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