
GOP Rep Greene Set To File Articles of Impeachment Against Biden the Day After Inauguration (Video)

Newly elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is vowing to introduce articles of impeachment against Joe Biden the day after his inauguration.

Greene (R-GA) announced her intentions during an interview with Newsmax on Wednesday, the day House Democrats and ten Republicans spent all of eight hours impeaching President Trump for a second time.

She cites Biden’s alleged links to his son’s business dealings with China as motivation.

“We cannot have a president of the United States [Biden] that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, foreign Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies,” Greene insisted.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“So on January 21, I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene Will Deliver Articles of Impeachment Against Biden

Greene will no doubt be dismissed due to her past associations with Qanon and 9/11 truthers but look at her argument on its face.

75 million Americans are fed up with inaction – whether it involves election integrity concerns or actions by Democrats who consistently escape scrutiny for stepping over legal bounds (Hillary’s emails, Barack’s actions in trying to take down a political opponent).

And it is time to take a stand.

Democrats have wielded impeachment like some sort of political toy over the last couple of years. President Trump hasn’t become the only president to be impeached twice because of his actions, but because of the unhinged actions of his adversaries.

Impeached over a mundane phone call to the Ukraine president. Impeached over a speech in which he repeatedly urged protesters to make their voices heard “peacefully.”

There is far more evidence of Biden being bought off by foreign governments than there is of Trump’s wrongdoing. And that, using Nancy Pelosi’s own words, makes him an “imminent threat” to “our democracy.”

Biden’s Abuse of Power

Hunter Biden announced after the election that an investigation into his “tax affairs” had been opened in 2018. There were Senate committees and subsequent reports that indicated inquiries into Biden’s son.

documentary out prior to the election claimed Hunter’s numerous business deals in China “served” the communist country and their military.

Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower, claimed president-elect Biden discussed business dealings with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.

An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.

It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insisted the ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

supplemental report produced by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) claims documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”

Greene was part of a group of House Republicans who met with President Trump in late December to discuss challenging the election results in Congress.

She noted other lawmakers were jumping “on board immediately to #StopTheSteal on Jan 6th” and that they “have more coming!”

Greene and other Republicans who contested the election have been cited by Democrats as the cause for the Capitol riots on that same date.

Greene’s counter-effort to impeach Biden is purely for show, with Democrats controlling the House and none of them likely to vote in favor. But it’s a game the left started.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) suggested he had designs on impeaching President Trump … before he even took office.

“I just know that if I’m going to vote to impeach the man at some point, I would like to be able to look him in the eye on Inauguration Day,” Raskin said in discussing whether or not he would attend Trump’s swearing-in.

Raskin now serves as one of Pelosi’s impeachment managers, tasked with arguing that the President started an uprising by contesting election results, something he himself did back in 2017.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s impeachment effort against Biden may not be a serious one, but it’s equally as serious as any putrid effort put forth by the Democrats so far.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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