Germany: Overwhelming majority of Leftist rioters are worthless human beings
Germany – a nation long known as the land that gave the world delicious Speckpfannkuchen, shady Schicklgrubers, and deadly Sturmgewehr 44s.
Sadly for those proud of their Deutsche lineage, Germany is now famous for their über-schnorrers (Loosely translated: Big time bums).
While conservatives have long known that the overwhelming majority of Leftists ranging from garden-variety loopy Greens to fantasyland-dwelling Anarchists to smelly Occupy protesters are all barely worth the $4.50 their worthless hides could fetch, Great Britain’s The Daily Mail is reporting;
92% of left-wing activists live with their parents and one in three is unemployed, study of Berlin protesters finds
- Figures were compiled by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
- Of those arrested for politically-motivated offences, 84 per cent were men
- The majority, 72 per cent, were aged between 18 and 29
- Of offences against a person, four out of five cases were against police officers
The vast majority of left-wing protesters arrested on suspicion of politically-fuelled offences in Berlin are young men who live with their parents, a new report found.
The figures, which were published in daily newspaper Bild revealed that 873 suspects were investigated by authorities between 2003 and 2013.
Of these 84 per cent were men, and 72 per cent were aged between 18 and 29.
More than half of the arrests were made in the Berlin districts of Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg and Mitte, mostly during demonstrations.
A third of them were unemployed, and 92 per cent still live with their parents.
The figures published in the Berlin newspaper said of the offences committed against a person, in four out of five cases the victims were police officers.
In 15 per cent of these cases, the victims were right wing activists.
The new figures were released by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV).
Between 2009 and 2013, the Bild report claims, left-wing assassins attempted to commit 11 murders.
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