Georgetown prof to Muslim Trump voter: ‘F**k you. Go to hell’

Liberalism, as I’ve said time and again since February 2011, is an ideology of rage and hate. On Tuesday, the Daily Caller reported that C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown University, engaged in a month-long meltdown after a Muslim woman explained why she voted for President-elect Donald Trump.
According to Katie Frates:
Asra Q. Nomani, a former Georgetown journalism professor and Wall Street Journal reporter, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post Nov. 10 explaining why she, as a Muslim woman and “long-time liberal,” voted for Trump. “I support the Democratic Party’s position on abortion, same-sex marriage and climate change,” Nomani wrote. “But I am a single mother who can’t afford health insurance under Obamacare.”
C. Christine Fair, a previously “friendly colleague,” went on a 31-day screed against Nomani spanning across Twitter and Facebook. According to Nomani’s Dec. 23 follow-up complaint to the university, the “Peace and Security Studies” professor called her a “wretch,” “clueless dolt” and a fame-monger.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Fair also compared Trump to Adolf Hitler and asserted that Nomani’s vote for Trump “helped normalize Nazis in DC.” She didn’t clarify if she was referring to Trump supporters or actual Nazis marching the streets.
Here’s a sample of Fair’s rants against Nomani:
Nomani said she “condemns all hate,” calling Fair’s attacks against her “unfortunate.”
Fair, however, wasn’t finished, and let loose with this:
Fair then posted this screed on Facebook, attacking not only Nomani, but everyone who supports Trump:
Frates added:
Nomani told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Georgetown professor Bruce Hoffman replied to her original Dec. 2 complaint on Dec. 3. He told her he forwarded her complaint to professor Irfan Nooruddin. Nooruddin is the faculty chair of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service.
Nooruddin told Nomani in a Dec. 4 email that, “I shall follow up directly with Professor Fair.” Fair posted her Facebook rant about Nomani two days after Nooruddin said he would speak with her. Additionally, she threatened Nomani in an email Dec. 6 with “legal action.” “Your attempt to silence my opinion or force a dialogue by involving my employer is unacceptable and any further action on your part to involve Georgetown will be met with legal action,” Fair wrote. “Your social media and email appeal to my employer with the intent or threat of damaging my employment status is a form of cyber bullying, which will not be tolerated.”
Nooruddin emailed Nomani a day later on Dec. 7: “Let me answer your question directly by referring you to the “Faculty Responsibilities Code” of the Georgetown Faculty Handbook: https://
Nomani, Frates said, filed a formal complaint on December 23, the same day Fair reportedly called her an atheist on Twitter.
“Publicly stating a Muslim is an apostate by calling them an atheist on Twitter could have serious repercussions,” Frates noted. “Radical Islamic extremists often declare civilians apostates before attacking them, because in their interpretation of the Quran, renouncing Islam is punishable by death.”
Frates provided a bit of information about Fair at the Daily Caller, observing:
Fair’s personal website says “she can cause trouble in multiple languages,” and her YouTube features videos like “Introducing the Pussy Avenger” and “Tales of My Pussy.”
Other notable commentary on Fair’s public Facebook includes calling future first lady Melania Trump a “soft porn star,” lamenting that “gun nuts don’t shoot each other,” and supporting Black Lives Matter.
She occasionally breaks up the politically charged musings with posts about cute animals.
What’s scary is that this is a prime example of what’s indoctrinating our kids…
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