
George Takei falsely claims NRA sells guns, gets hammered by James Woods

On Friday, George Takei, the actor who played Sulu in Star Trek: The Original Series, falsely claimed on Twitter that the National Rifle Association (NRA) sells guns.  And used that false claim to attack President Trump.

Keep in mind that Takei once advocated an “American Spring” to remove Trump from office…

“The NRA sells guns to Americans, then when those guns get used for the purpose for which they were designed, the NRA sells Americans ways to fortify against the effects of those guns. Quite a racket they have going,” he claimed. “And their biggest pitchman is sitting in the White House.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

It’s obvious to anyone who knows absolutely anything about the issue that the NRA is a non-profit organization and doesn’t sell firearms to anyone.

Actor James Woods educated Takei as only he can:  “This statement is a blatant falsehood. The does not sell guns,” he said.

Twitchy hammered Takei even harder:

But to say it’s a blatant falsehood is to imply that George knows better and we’re not entirely sure he does. Let’s not pretend he’s ever actually taken the time to read up on the NRA and what it actually stands for and how it works.

Others also schooled the Hollywood leftist:



One person wondered if Takei perhaps thinks the American Heart Association sells hearts.  After all, it fits his alleged “logic.”

Maybe he thinks one buys and sells parents at Planned Parenthood…

One critic noted:

Of course, it’s not the first stupid thing Takei has said on Twitter as we reported here, here, here and here.  And chances are, it won’t be the last.  Which of course means that while Takei is no longer playing the role of Sulu, he continues to provide a certain amount of entertainment…


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Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad
Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad – Source: Author (used with permission)




Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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