Gazans Cheer, ‘We Are Hamas!’

As Western nations such as the U.S. offer Israel unsolicited advice on ending the war in Gaza and allowing the Palestinian Authority (PA) to run the government there rather than Hamas, a naive President Joe Biden ignores a stark reality existing in the polity. Ironically, this should not surprise us as he has demonstrated a similar naivete on what has been occurring in the United States. The only difference is that while it has unified Gazans, it has caused tremendous disunity among Americans.
In 1992, when President George H.W. Bush ran for a second term in office against Bill Clinton, America was suffering from a bad economy. Democrats used the opportunity to coin the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid,” to defeat the incumbent. A similar phrase, “It’s education, stupid,” can appropriately be applied to what Biden ignores in both Gaza and the U.S.
Hamas was founded in 1987 under the auspices of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt – which is the largest Sunni terror organization in the world. The Brotherhood had held sway over Gaza since 1947, fostering the belief the only road to freedom “from the river to the sea” was through violence. With the founding of Hamas, it became the Brotherhood’s Gaza branch.
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Wasting no time revealing its violent side and promoting a Jewish genocide, Hamas was finally designated a terrorist group in 1997 by the U.S. In 2005, with pressure from the international community, Israel completed a withdrawal of its forces from Gaza, turning control over to the PA. That withdrawal provided Hamas with more freedom in spreading its influence. Currying favor with the locals for its determination to de-occupy Gaza, and beyond, of an Israeli presence, Hamas managed to win parliamentary elections in 2006, violently seizing control of Gaza the next year from the PA.
The West has long harbored the wrong belief that the ideology of Hamas is not the ideology of the Palestinian Authority as well as most Gazans. But as one critic points out, ever since the 1990s, “Hamas has increasingly evolved into a focal point of social, ideological and religious cohesion with the Gaza population at-large.” How did this happen?
To best understand how the ideology of Hamas became the ideology of the Gaza population at-large, one must reduce the former to its simplest element. That element is set forth in the charter of Hamas, which mandates “destroying the State of Israel through Jihad (Islamic Holy War),” conquering “every inch of Palestine” – which obviously includes Israel itself – and noting that, “Since this is the case, the Liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Muslim wherever he may be.” Additionally, as is boasted in the charter’s preamble, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it (Islam) obliterated others before it.” Such a declaration in the preamble sure brings into question the claims by Muslims that Islam is a religion of peace.
As Biden and others pressure Israel to negotiate a ceasefire, the charter makes clear that “peaceful solutions” are contradictory to the mission of Hamas, as “there is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.” While Islamic doctrine does allow agreements with its enemies, it preaches those are only to be exploited, allowing Muslims to regain a more advantageous position from which to continue the fight again. Any one doubting this only need note how Hamas recently violated the Gaza ceasefire agreement before it expired to kill three Israelis.
Recognizing what the Hamas charter mandates, upon taking power, the terrorist group immediately undertook efforts to sear this ideology into the mind of every Gazan beginning at the earliest possible age. This involved creating school lesson plans. While parents in the U.S. proudly watch school performances by their children wearing various costumes to commemorate historical events, Palestinian parents proudly watch school performances by their children wearing camouflage military uniforms, carrying weapons and acting out the killing of Jews.
Hamas recognizes the importance of imprinting a violent anti-Jew ideology into Palestinian children early on in their lives in order to create future generations that will remain focused on achieving its mission. Controlling the education system is key to this as well as ensuring television network and media content promotes a unified Gaza hellbent on Israel’s annihilation. Hence, the radical cheer of most Gazans who have been so indoctrinated is, “We are Hamas!”
Compare this indoctrination by the Gazan educational system to what has been going on in America’s educational system for more than half a century. As students, indoctrinated with an anti-U.S. ideology around the time of the Vietnam war, went on to become teachers themselves, they created subsequent generations that bleed liberalism without really understanding the true consequences of implementing the ideology. Teacher unions today, just like Hamas, seek to control the learning agenda for students sans any input from parents. A liberally poisoned education system has created a division among Americans not experienced in generations. Yet, foolishly, our commander in chief not only fails to see what a misguided education has done here but what it is doing in Gaza as well.
As the West launches a self-righteous campaign for a Gaza ceasefire, it fails to accept the fact the only way Israel can hope for a peaceful future is by the annihilation of Hamas and the deradicalization of the Palestinian people. The accomplishment of the latter can only be begun with the accomplishment of the former. The reduction of Hamas to the dustbin of history will hopefully imprint an important message on the psyche of the PA and Gazan population if peace is to have a chance: The only result awaiting those who continue feeding a hate-filled, anti-Jew mantra to their young memorializing violence and endless conflict is annihilation.
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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.
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