Fusion Founder Met With Russian Lawyer Hours Before and After Trump Jr. Meeting
For a while, many people have speculated that the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya was a set-up to make it appear that there was collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign. It may no longer be a conspiracy theory.
Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, met with Veselnitskaya just a couple of hours before her meeting with Trump Jr. and the two met again just hours after the meeting that lasted less than a half an hour. Simpson claims he knew nothing about the Trump Jr. meeting until he read it in the newspaper. If that sounds familiar, it is because Obama used that story multiple times and members of his cabinet also used it, including Eric Holder, when questioned about Fast and Furious. We later found that to be a lie.
Fusion GPS is the company that paid for the Trump dossier. Liberals are trying to claim that a Republican site started the dossier and the Democrats picked it up from there but that is a lie. Fusion did not hire Steele until after the Republican stopped the opposition research.
Fusion has a history of working for Russian oligarchs. They also worked for Hillary Clinton, who also has close ties to Russia as well as the DNC. When will a special prosecutor look into these facts? If left up to the cowardly Jeff Sessions it will be never.
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According to the Daily Caller:
Glenn Simpson, a founding partner of Fusion GPS, was with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya just hours before she attended the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower session. Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was also with Veselnitskaya after the meeting, according to Fox News. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Trump Dossier Firm Worked On Pro-Kremlin Lobbying Effort)
Steele’s first dossier memo was written just 11 days after the meeting, which is currently being scrutinized by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Among the document’s many claims is that the Kremlin had been feeding intelligence to Donald Trump. That intelligence allegedly included damaging material on Hillary Clinton.
There has been no verification that the Trump Tower meeting is described in the dossier. But the session, which reportedly lasted less than 30 minutes, took place after Donald Trump Jr. was offered dirt on Clinton.
The real estate executive was approached through email on June 3, 2016 by Rob Goldstone, a British music publicist who represented Emin Agalarov, a Russian-Azerbaijani pop musician whose family is friends with the Trumps.
Goldstone informed Trump Jr. that a “Russian government attorney” wanted to meet with him to discuss information on Clinton.
Both sides agree that the Trump campaign did not get any real dirt on Hillary Clinton during the meeting but Veselnitskaya is now claiming that Trump Jr. promised action on the Magnitsky Act if his father was elected but Trump has no interest in that at all and she may have said that on orders from Simpson.
When you think about it, every accusation about collusion revolves around Fusion GPS and they are fighting every attempt to find out about that involvement. Expect to hear more about them in the future.
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