French Priest Arrested: Islam Is A Punishment From God For Apostasy
Father Guy Pagès has made quite clear that he loves God, Christendom, and his native France. Due to his fidelity to The Almighty, the Church and his homeland, Abbé Pagès has found himself persecuted by civil authorities on the grounds of advocating terrorism.
As noted by
Unafraid to boldly declare the truth, Fr. Pages has undoubtedly faced the wrath of the radical Left, militant multi-culturalists, and even the surrenderistas within his own Church when he stated, “The countries of Western Europe, renouncing Christianity, began to promote the Islamization, and the Church itself seems to have nothing against the view that Islam is a religion of good.”
Perhaps sending Islamic enablers into apoplectic fits of Biblical proportions, the controversial cleric continued with, “Europeans, as non-Muslims, they should be afraid of Islam because Islam wants to make them their subjects. Moreover, as already mentioned, the word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission.’ Submission to what? The Antichrist. Because who else can come after Christ, if not the Antichrist? Islam is coming to destroy the work of Christ.”
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Perhaps the best summation of the interview overall was Father Pages placing the blame of the Islamization of Europe and the collapse of Christianity on the continent directly at the door of both secular and Christian Europe, “Non-Muslims should therefore understand that if they rejected Christ, they will have the Antichrist. The development of Islam in the West is a tough punishment for apostasy.”
Meanwhile, the French portal Resistance Republicaine has also cited that the reason the French police raided the office of Fr. Pages website provider and subsequently seized the server and all related software, hardware and documents.
According to the site, the good Father is accused of violating France’s State of Emergency, which was implemented in the wake of the Islamic jihadist attacks in Paris this past November. As noted, the charges were brought against the priest for embedding photos on his website of the carnage the Islamic terrorists visited on the patrons of the Bataclan Theater, where 89 were killed.
For posting the pictures of the slaughtered innocents, Father Pages has been charged with the following violation;
Article 5461-2, 227-24 and 225-17 of the Penal Code criminalizing respectively the “broadcast of a violent character message inciting terrorism, pornographic or likely to cause serious harm to human dignity […] when this message is likely to be seen or perceived by a minor and breach in respect for the dead.”
But in the meantime, Father Pages’ Facebook site Islam et Vérité is still up, at least for the time being.
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